9 Year Old Girl Holds ATV Fund Raisers
- Updated: March 10, 2010

By John Pellan
Brannon Russell loves raising money so she can help other people. At age three she raised $600 and just shy of $16k by the age of just six years old! And to date she’s already raised over $25,000 for the American Cancer Society!
If that hasn’t got your attention I don’t know what will. I know it got mine when Brannon’s mom Jennifer e mailed me and told me about Brannon’s upcoming April 9-11 fund raiser in Kilgore, TX called “Brannon Russell Tumor Terminating Mud Blast.”
Jennifer informed me that her daughter’s desire and ability to raise money is incredible, but the reason she’s so interested in this is what really had me sit up in my chair. Brannon simply doesn’t want other little girls and boys to have to lose parents and grandparents to cancer like she did when her grandfather passed away after losing his battle with colon cancer.
Her favorite way to raise money goes hand in hand with her family’s favorite sport, which is, you guessed it, ATV riding. Jennifer says they’ve been riding quads together as a family since Brannon was just 18 months old. She said, besides the fun they have together out on the trails, the people in the ATV industry are fantastic.
Besides her upcoming Mud Blast event in Kilgore, Brannon wants to keep putting on bigger and better ATV events in an effort to someday raise $1 million. But perhaps her bigger goal is to inspire others to understand that they too can raise money so that together we can finally find a cure for cancer.
If you’re amazed at Brannon’s accomplishments and meaningful goals, you’re not alone. I was so impressed with her I just had to interview her and her mom. Here’s what they had to say…

Brannon Kay Russell
Nickname: Baby Girl
Home: Kilgore Texas
Born in: Longview Texas
Occupation: Fund Raiser
Bros Sis: Zachary Russell 13
Pets: Beulah my English Bull Dog
Began Riding in: 2003
First ATV: Eton 90
Current Quad: Arctic Cat 90 Utility
Race or Ride Series: Mud boggers
Sponsors: Blast Motors
Must have ATV bolt on: My ipod
Best Track or Ride Spot: Rabbit Creek
Lead or Follow: Lead! There is less dust that way.
Favorite Place: Home with my family
Worst Place: School
Restaurant Chain: Subway
Worst Habit? I used to suck my thumb, but I quit.
Pet Peeves: Bullying! That’s mean
Addictions: Dancing and Fund Raising
Flicks? Cinderella and the new Alice. It’s in 3D!
Laptop or PC? MacBook
Book: The American Girl Series
Website: webkinz.com taking care of my Hippos
Magazine: American Girl Magazine, love their dolls
Favorite athlete: Shawn Johnson
What’s usually on your TV? Disney Chanel
School Extracurricular: Student Council
What’s on your iPod? Kevin Fowler, he is a Texas County singer, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Zach Brown Band, Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Blick Eyed Peas
What’s on your walls? Hannah Montana, Taylor Lautner, Robert Patterson, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato.. I like their acting.
Tonight’s Dinner: Fried Spam Sandwich and Cranberry juice. It’s really good, you should try it.
Favorite Sports Teams: Texas A&M Aggies, Dallas Cowboys, Cleveland Indians
Coolest thing you’ve won: The trophy I got when I was the top fund raiser for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life in 2008
Talent you would love to have: To be good at gymnastics. I think it would be neat to be able to flip across the floor.
Past Crazy Fads: I used to wear really high piggy tails, I outgrew that last year.
Trade places with for a day? Miley Cyrus I think she is cool.
Who do you admire? Gussie Nell Davis, she started the Rangeretts
New Year’s Resolution: To make good grades in school
Bucket list? Raise a Million Dollars for the American Cancer Society
Motto: If I can do it, you can do it too.
First off, how did all this come about?
Jennifer: It all started when she came home from pre school after Grandparent’s Day and asked me why she didn’t have a grandfather. I knelt down next to her and explained to her that her daddy’s father had died in a car wreck, but I had to tell her that my father had died of colon cancer. Her next question was a little tougher to answer. How do you explain cancer to a three year old? I explained to her that the bugs got into his body and the doctors couldn’t make the right medicine to help him get well. She simply looked up at me and asked if that was why I was relaying for the America Cancer Society.
What exactly is Relaying?
Brannon: It’s an event put on by the American Cancer Society called Relay for Life. You put together a team of family and friends and walk all night, because cancer never sleeps. That night we don’t either. It’s a lot of fun. We get to camp and play games. And it is all to benefit raising money for the American Cancer Society.
Okay, go on.
Jennifer: I told her yes that’s why I do it. She asked if she could relay too, so I took her to a meeting and someone gave her a piggy bank. A gentleman next to her put money in her pig. She turned to me and said, “I am now an official fund raiser!” She’s been really passionate about it ever since.
I would say so. I don’t know of anyone under 10 that’s raised twenty five grand.
Jennifer: [Laughing] Me either. In 2008 Brannon had an exceptional year. A local ATV park gave her the park to help with her fund raising. Local businesses donated many items to be raffled off as well. Brannon raised $2,600 at one ride that we helped her put on. A couple of promoters heard what she did and asked her to come and raise money at their events. She raised $5,000 at these events. At the end of the year she was able to raise $15,925! She accomplished this when she was only six years old! The ATV Industry has really been great to her.
I’m assuming she took her piggy bank to a ride spot with you guys one day and that’s where the idea of raising money with ATV ride events got started?
Jennifer: You’re exactly right. The owner of the park at the time announced to the crowd that Brannon was raising money and ask the crowd to dig deep into their pockets to help her out. He even got Brannon to count in-between rounds and tell the crowd to dig deeper. He was a great help in getting her started in this.
Brannon: Yep, it was at Rabbit Creek Park. The owner let me walk the crowd during the mud bog too. And I ask people out on the trails. Prince Charming rides with us on the trails. Mom says he has as many miles on him as her Prowler.
Whose Prince Charming?
Brannon: My piggy bank!
You told me in your e mail that it didn’t take long and your three year old had $600 in her piggy bank. Brannon, little kids usually get distracted and loose interest when they’re three years old. Why did you want to keep doing this?
Brannon: I think it’s fun. I get to do two things that I love, raise money and ride four wheelers. I like the idea of helping people. I lost my Grandpa before I was born, and I don’t want anyone else to loose theirs.
Mom, did you think Brannon would continue doing this after the first week?
Jennifer: Not really. And as the money started piling up in her piggy bank I was worried that she would not give it up. [Laughing] She was more worried they would not give her pig back! The next year she raised close to $1,200, but that year someone stole her pig. She was so upset, I told her we would get her a new one and she said, “No mom, he was not just a piggy bank, he was my friend and now Prince Charming is gone.” Luckily we were able to replace Prince Charming and raise more money.
Brannon, that’s so awesome! You’ve done this for six years in a row?
Brannon: How can I stop? People still have cancer.
Jennifer: She is a go getter. She feels that if she keeps trying, then maybe others will pick up the fight with her. Yes she’s very committed to it. When she was five, she asked for money instead of birthday presents and raised a little over $2,000 that year.
Tell me more about the rides. I’m picturing Brannon and Prince Charming sitting together at sign up. What’s her job at the events?
Jennifer: Brannon normally goes where she is needed. She likes meeting everyone as they come in the gate and of coarse Prince Charming is right there with her.
Brannon: A lot of times at my ride I like to participate in the events. But Mom says I cant get the prizes because this is my ride and I need to let my friends win. I still like to participate even if I can’t win prizes though.
How are you promoting each ride?
Jennifer: That is my job. I get on the ATV forums and spread the word that way. The park this year is helping as well. They are doing radio and some television promotions.
Brannon: And I go to local business and ask them to hang my event poster in their window.
I noticed you have some creative activities at your events, bands, mud bogs, a night ride. It sounds like these aren’t ordinary Sunday afternoon trail rides.
Jennifer: Yes, everyone likes a good night ride, so we have a volunteer scope out a fun trail ride that is safe enough for even a 90cc to make it through. This way everyone gets in on the fun in a safe way. The concert is something new this year. Derek Sholl was kind enough to donate his concert to hopefully get a larger crowd in the gate and to help out a great cause.
Brannon: A lot of times on other rides night rides it gets dangerous. Uncle Jason makes sure the night ride is safe for our riders. He makes a safe night ride with flagging ribbon. We even go out a few days before the ride and flag wash-outs and holes that might be dangerous. This way everyone is as safe as they can be.

Brannon practically grew up on the back of an ATV. The Russell’s could never figure out how she could sleep out on the trail, but here’s evidence she did just that.
Some ATV ride events attract the wrong type of people and activities, especially when they start to get bigger. How do you plan on keeping yours safe, fun and productive?
Jennifer: I always promote this one as a family event. Brannon is the one hosting this ride and she wants other kids to be able to come and enjoy the fun. I understand that camping, ATVing and a little drinking go hand in hand, lets just keep it at a minimum.
Brannon: And mom always puts a picture of me on the forums. This way they know it is a kid-friendly ride.
Is the America Cancer Society aware of what’s going on here?
Jennifer: Yes they are. She has received many awards from them.
Brannon: They know about my fund raising, I have the shirts and awards to prove it.
What awards?
Brannon: Each individual fund raiser who raises over $1,000 in the Relay for Life gets a T-shirt that says $1,000 Plus. We get them the night of our Relay. I get one every year, and I got a trophy too!
Jennifer: She has been an American Cancer Society Relay All Star winner for the High Planes division three years in a row! She was also the top fundraiser for the East Texas division in 2008, that’s the year she raised almost $16,000! Brannon never stops amazing me. She is such a “Out of the Box” kind of thinker.
How did you get on the Kilgore news? What did the kids at school say about this?
Jennifer: Brannon has made the news several times. Some of our friends with the Relay for Life have spread the word about her. Some of her friends in her class can
‘t believe she gives all the money away.
Brannon: They just find out about what I do and come to to my house and ask me questions. They say that it is cool that I raise all this money.
How far do you see this going?
Brannon: I will never stop. I want to help find a cure for cancer and if we do, I still will not stop, because people will still need help getting the medicine and finding a way to the doctor.
Jennifer you have one amazing little girl here.
Jennifer: I sure do, thanks. Brannon does not like the words “I Can’t”. She believes that if a little nine year old like her, can raise over $25,000 in a few years, then so can everyone. Her motto is, “If I can do it, you can too.”
How can a nine year old raise a million dollars for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life?
Brannon: I am not going to do it in one year! But I am going to reach it one day.
Jennifer: Brannon wants to help find a cure for cancer. She hopes that if she raises enough, then maybe the doctors can have enough money to do the research to find a cure.
You’re not shy and timid like a lot of little girls would be speaking in front of large groups. How are you so good at this?
Brannon: Well sometimes I am a little scared. But I just think about the kids that are fighting cancer? They are scared too.
Jennifer: She has never met a stranger and will talk to anyone. She gets a little nervous sometimes. I tell her she doesn’t have to do it, but she says if one more person will start fund raising then we’ll get closer to a cure.
What does your son think of all this?
Jennifer: My son chooses to be behind the scenes and could care less about everyone knowing his name but he is by her side helping where he can and pushing her in the direction of her goal. We are one big fund raising family being lead by a 9 year old who doesn’t know the words I Can’t.
How do you plan to inspire others to raise money for the American Cancer Society?
Jennifer: She is my inspiration. I can’t believe she is still going strong after six years. How many kids want to get money for their birthday instead of presents and then give it away?
Brannon: I will just keep telling my story and ask others to pass it on.
You mentioned you ride as a family. Does everyone have their own ATV?
Jennifer: Yes we do. I have an Arctic Cat Prowler, my son, Zachary, has an Arctic Cat 500 Auto, Brannon has an Arctic Cat as well, but she prefers to ride with me. My husband has a Kawasaki Brute Force 750. He is the only one who doesn’t ride an Arctic Cat. [Laughing] We will convert him one day.

Brannon’s always ready to hit the trail and do some site seeing from the back of her mom’s Arctic Cat.
Brannon, you have your own four wheeler and dont ride it?
Brannon: My daddy says I only know one speed and that is wide open. So I ride with momma on her Prowler. I have my own seat and I get to see more that way anyway. I am getting better at watching my speed when I ride, but Daddy says not by myself yet.
You’ve been able to get people to donate, have you inspired any newcomers to the sport of ATV riding as well?
Brannon: I hope so, I can’t imagine someone not wanting to ride. I have even talked my Paster and his family into it.
Surely your interested in other activities besides ATVs. What else do you like to do?
Brannon: I love to dance and play golf. When I get older I want to be a world famous Kilgore College Rangerette and to preform in the ballet.
Jennifer: Brannon has several interest. She loves to dance. The Rangerettes were the first group of its kind in the world, the Rangerettes brought show business to the football gridiron. They took to the field during the 1940 football season, pioneering the field of dancing drill teams now seen across the nation.

Brannon seen here practicing her Rangerette dance in a rut.
Let’s say someone reading this lost a parent to cancer as well and wants to be a part of Brannon’s mission by donating a few bucks, but can’t attend her ride events. Is an online donation possible, [or would you rather see them just donate straight to the American Cancer Society?
Jennifer: Absolutely! Brannon would love your support. You can make a donation to her at this link. Just click the donate button and follow the three easy steps. Brannon would like to thank each and everyone of you for helping her try to put an end to cancer.
Thanks for telling us about your ride events and for all you and your family does for the many lives that cancer destroys. Any last words for this interview?
Jennifer: Look to your kids for inspiration. They will amaze you every time.
Brannon: When you think fund raising is too hard. Just start with the pennies. Stop thinking about the big number and start with the little ones. If I can raise money you can too.
Todd 'Ironman' Macke #31
March 10, 2010 at 10:21 pm
Great article, I like the ‘fight’ in this girl!!! Good luck with your event.
Todd “Ironman” Macke #31
Jennifer Russell
April 4, 2010 at 1:15 am
Thanks for the great article! Brannon has been so excited.