Akraix / G3 Quadfreestyle.com Fall update!
- Updated: October 5, 2009

By Derek Guetter of G3 / Akraix Quad Freestyle
Hello everyone! Sorry for not giving out an update sooner, it’s been awhile since I’ve had some free time and good stories to share. I’m happy to report everyone’s doing well and have been very busy!
I’ll start off with ATV Insider magazine. If you haven’t already checked out our six page spread, you can get a copy of the magazine at: www.ATV-Insider.com . I wrote the story, while my brother, Dan Guetter designed the layout. I hope you all enjoy our coverage of the Big Air Bash and Amateur Contest we hosted this summer.
Early September Jon and I traveled to Rock Run ATV Park in Patton, PA to shoot an episode of “Fisher’s ATV World” with host Brian Fisher. We were plagued with bad weather as the wind picked up and the rain never stopped. Fortunately I was able to get a ride in on Sunday for the people that stuck around. We also got the shots we needed for the show. Besides the unfortunate weather, Can-Am set us up nicely with a booth near their Says It All tour truck. The riders and spectators showed great support, so much in fact, that I may have to book some more shows in the eastern region of this great land.
After the show we traveled to Breezewood, PA, to ride at Dan Harris’s Breezewood Proving Grounds. The facility is awesome, the best I’ve ever been to. The tracks we’re remarkable, everything was quad friendly, and his cabins and camp grounds made this place feel like a moto resort in heaven! There is even talk about possibly hosting a Quad freestyle riding school there next summer. We are all stoked to make that happen. Maybe we could get some other Can-Am riders involved, maybe Natalie or Wienen?? J
When we got back I headed over to Winter X-games medalist Justin Hoyer’s place in Wisconsin, to get this back flip monkey off my back. My first flip I over rotated, but I was feeling confident about taking it to dirt that week. I did four more and each one was perfect. We contemplated just going right to dirt that night, but I was talked out of it because there was no rush at the time. Back flips are gnarly, and I guess it probably was the best decision to just hold off and get a few more flips in on a fresh day. Well just my luck it rained that night and riding was put on hold for a couple days. When it dried up I got back into it, and the next seven flips I attempted, I landed on my front bumper, barely making it around and was nowhere near ready to flip to dirt! I cannot even begin to explain my frustration; I thought I finally had it figured out. Then it rained even more. So I had left Justin’s with my tail between my legs, still no backflip, and now I have a left knee that barely bends. Sweet…
It’s harvest season now, so I’ve been busy at my dad’s farm helping him combine and attending to the Fall work. I’ve also almost finished my show proposal packets for 2010, so I’m eager to get those sent out! The best news of all is that Dan has finished our website!! It has tons of photos, all our new merchandise, and can be updated by Dan, Jon, and Myself from anywhere in the world. Dan did an amazing job and put in a lot of hard work to get it finished. Check it out here: www.QuadFreestyle.com
Dan is actually staying here a couple weeks to film one last segment for the movie. It’s been cold and rainy so hopefully the weather cooperates for us soon. In 2 weeks Jon and Myself head to Toronto Canada for the “Sled ATV and Power Sports Show”, with snowmobile riders Heath Frisby and Joe Parsons. After that I’m driving straight back to Hoyer’s to finish what I started and learn to flip!!
Stay safe everyone and hope you all are doing well, and make sure you head on over to www.Quadfreestyle.com and check out all 300+ photos we added!