Ask Cindy 12-3-00
- Updated: December 3, 2000

Year 2 Issue 1
By Cindy Campbell
Happy New Millennium Everyone! I wish you all a very prosperous New Year. A relative sent me this. I want to pass it on to you. It’s what the Dalai Lama has to say on the millennium, which began 01/01/2001.
Instructions for Life in the new millennium from the Dalai Lama:
1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
3. Follow the three Rs: Respect for self, respect for others responsibility for all your actions.
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
7. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend some time alone every day.
9. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.
I’ve always felt this way regardless of receiving this. But I know a lot of people out there that probably don’t. Just some good thoughts for you to ponder for the new millennium.
Let me back up a minute. In the first week of December, my friend Cindy had been on her favorite web site, “Groupie Central.”, she found out that the band Crazytown was going to be in Columbus. In case you don’t know, Crazytown’s Butterfly is the lead song in H-Bomb Film’s latest video — Huevos 3. Cindy, myself and Danielle decided we wanted to go and see our new favorite band. So we called down to check with the band to see if we could interview them. Everything was a go. We drove down and met the whole band, gave them a copy of the new Heuvos video, watched it with them and did an interview right there on their tour bus.
Cindy: Did you like Huevos 3?
Seth: Yeah I liked it, it was way cool!
Cindy: Are you into any extreme sports?
Seth: Not anymore. I use to freestyle skate at a
skate-park for years.
Cindy: Why are you called Crazytown?
Seth: Cuz we grew up in Los Angeles, a city where the only logical thing to call it was crazy. We were in gangs, in jail, we were messed up, we did drugs, we sold drugs, we were that element of craziness. And a lot of our friends are in prison for way too long. A lot of our friends have OD’d and died.
Everyone is talking about going somewhere and doing something positive with their lives, but only about 5-10% of the thousands of kids we know actually get to actually do anything positive with their lives. We are trying to be one of the few from our town that lift up out of the
craziness, and create something cool.
Cindy: How old are you?
Seth: 26
Cindy: Are you single?
Seth: Yeah, at the moment.
Cindy: Describe your ideal women?
Seth: I’m still trying to figure that out. I’m still drifting around having a good time. Actually this is the first time I’ve been
single since our record deal, I’m enjoying
it a little bit, I’m not trying to hop into
anything too quick. I’ll know when
someone right comes along.
Cindy and I think they might be soul mates — only Seth doesn’t know it yet. I think someday he might wake up to a new Butterfly named Danielle. Time will Tell.Cindy: What was the last book you
Seth: That’s a good question, I don’t
really read books. I just kind of get little
bits of information here and there. We’ll
say I’m kind of collecting data for writing
my own book.
Cindy: Do any of your tattoos have special meaning?
Seth: They’re all very special to me. This one’s my guardian angel — the spirit of my grandmother.
Cindy: How would you describe your bands musical style?
Seth: I’d say, like punk progressive hip-hop.
Cindy: What bands influenced your music?
Seth: Everything from Tribe Called Quest, Public
Enemy, Beastie Boys, Nine Inch Nails, Sex Pistols,
and Korn.
Cindy: What city did you start your tour in?
Seth: Tulsa, OK
Cindy: What city have you liked best & why?
Seth: Boston, MA We played with the Insane Clown Posse. Every band that plays with them gets booed. Not us — we got loved.
Cindy: Where are you going after this?
Seth: We are off to play a show tomorrow with Spine Shank, Orgy and Disturbed in Pittsburgh. It’s one of our biggest selling cities. Pittsburgh loves Crazytown!
Cindy: What do you do when you’re driving around in your bus all the time?
Seth: Sleep, watch movies, write lyrics.
Cindy: What preparations do you make before you write?
Seth: I kind of like sit on something for a while,
I don’t just sit there and write a whole song
unless I have some cool music to inspire me. Usually I’ll come up with topics or things I want to talk about and I’ll slowly build up on 5 songs at the same time. Like right now I’m working on 10 songs, none of them are
completely done. But that’s what will make
them so great. If you sit down and try to push everything into one song at one time then you might miss a bunch of stuff. I’ll vibe on a song for a long time then when I actually do it I’ll have enough material to make four really cool songs. I’ll then mix it up and take all the best shit.
Cindy: Do you have a video?
Seth: Yep, for Butterfly. Believe it or not, It cost $500,000! We got the people that did the
Matrix movie. The concept for the video is a painting of what dreams might come from. We’re inside the painting, (like inside all the colors)
They then proceeded to show us the raw footage of this video which hadn’t been released yet. What we saw was really cool.
Cindy: The three of us picked out our favorite songs. We would like to know more about our three favorites. What are they about? First, Butterfly?
Seth: Butterfly is about my now best friend, she use to be my fiancé, but now we are just best friends. It’s just a song I wrote about her.
Cindy: Revolving Door, Is that about you?
Seth: Revolving Door is based on having as much fun as you possibly can while looking for the right person in your life. Butterfly is about finding that person. They kind of go hand in hand.
Cindy: Lollipop Porn
Seth: Its about strippers, the dark side party life, its a good time party song.
Cindy: What new music are you into now?
Seth: One Minute Silence, (I love that band), Linkin Park, Chester’s Our Boy, it’s all basically the same shit. I love Nine Inch Nails too. I listen to all different kinds of stuff. I also like Wootang and I’ve got the new Outkast, I love Outkast their a big influence. It’s cool to see that Outkast is incorporating like a real band now, (guitars and all). They play them on K-Rock now. Hopefully we’ll do a tour with them soon. Orgy, those are our boys, we grew up with Orgy. They are on our record, Jay sings on Black Cloud. Jay produced a couple of songs, B-Boy 2000 and Only When I’m Drunk. We love the Refused too. They broke up though. Can’t forget Sixteen Volt either, our guitar player used to be with them.
Cindy: Tell us your funniest or most memorable moments you have had on this tour?
Seth: The most memorable was probably getting thrown off stage at Ozzfest. We didn’t
actually didn’t get thrown off, we threw ourselves off by acting like idiots. Our management
pulled us off Ozzfest and we basically kicked it on the road for like 3 months in Europe. I was breaking up with my butterfly at the time. In our whole relationship we hadn’t been apart. Then
we were apart for 3 1/2 months. Anyway, everything kind of came crashing down. In the first couple weeks of Ozzfest I started partying more than I normally would. Everything just kind of crumbled. It was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. Kind of straightened me up
a bit.
Cindy: Do you have any big tours coming up this summer?
Seth: Its looks pretty good for our video. It’s going to premier on MTV’s TRL. We are going to kick back and let the band get a lot bigger for like a month. Then we’ll see what happens. There’s a lot
of possibilities right now. A lot of people are asking us to go on tour with them. But it’s kind of depending on the reception of Butterfly on MTV. It’s blowing up really big so far, but we are going to sit back and see how big we get before we decide
which band to go on tour with next. Who knows,
we might have a new opportunity after the video comes out.
Cindy: Is their anything you want to promote or say?
Seth: Our record! Always promoting our record.
Since this interview, their video has been on MTV several times. And the January issue of Glamour Magazine had an article about them. Looks like they’re on their way!
Cindy: Do you have a new one coming out
anytime soon?
Seth: Yeah, we’re actually working on it on the bus. We have some professional tools on the bus to help utilize the traveling time. I’ve been writing like crazy lately. Now that we actually have some interesting life experiences under our belts from our latest tour, the next record is going to be a taste of what we’ve experienced.
It is going to be really fun to see what we walk out of the studio with. We are growing on a daily basis as musicians and artists. Life is constantly throwing ingredients for new songs, its cool.
Okay, I don’t like ending my column on a low note, but I feel that in telling you this horrible story — it might make a big difference. If only one of you thinks about this the next time you speed off in the car with your friends — then it’s all worth it.
There was a tragic loss here in Ohio the day after Christmas. Those of you who live around here have heard and seen this first hand on TV and in the newspapers. For those of you that aren’t from around my area, I want to let you know what happened. You avid ATV racers and racing fans have probably heard of the Wayne County Speedway from the last few years where the Buckeye Nationals were held. Well, 7 kids from Wayne County piled in a car the day after Christmas and decided to speed down a road. They ended up hitting a tree at high speeds. Only one person survived the horrible crash. They were not drinking or doing drugs, simply speeding. One of the teens actually raced ATV’s, much like most of you. No one thinks at the time that this can happen to them. We all think in some cases, that we’re invincible like superman or something. Well, please look at the faces. Jeffery P. Kaufmann, 18, Cory M. Pelfrey, 18, Paul E. Marshall III, 15, Bruce T. Campbell III, 14, and sisters Christine K. Elliston, 13, and Jennifer L. Elliston, 14; all had promising futures, a future they deserved to see — but wont. Fourteen-year-old Katie Gonzalez has been told she alone survived a car crash that took the lives of her six closest friends. I’m hoping to send a message here. Maybe the ATV racer that died in such a stupid way will hit home with just one of you and you’ll slow down and be more careful — thus saving someone’s life! I know most of you probably love going as fast as you can on your ATVs and probably in your cars as well. I think most of you know that your ATV can kill you if you dont think. Please realize that cars can do the same thing — but their danger involves tons of innocent people as well. Please ride and DRIVE responsibly!
Now on to answering some of your questions…
I wrote you last issue about doing more coverage on desert races. I’ll do it for the Scene, I go
to a lot of desert races and would be glad to report to the scene about them, if you guys will
let me cover them I would be glad to!
p.s. When are you going to come pose on my Banshee?
Jeff Waldaias
We would love to get the scoop from the desert racing scene. Consider yourself hired. You
(and anyone) can give us news worthy information by sending it to
Speaking of desert racing, Danielle, our new contributing editor, is about to launch her first column. The topic? Well close to desert racing as a pretty blond can get — Danielle just
spent New Years at Glamis, CA! I was supposed to go too, instead I stayed in Ohio. She
will have a lot to tell.
Hi Cindy
I’m looking for my first ATV. I want a 4-wheel drive that is 400cc or bigger. At first I kind of
liked the Polaris, but everybody said the belts slip when they get wet. I liked Artic Cat (the 500 4×4) but I hear that Artic Cat was cheap and wouldn’t be in business too much longer. I also liked Honda but I think they sit too low to the ground, and I don’t like the full-time 4 wheel drive. I’ve looked at Yamaha’s Kodiak 400 4×4. It seems like a nice quad, but kind of compact. Can you please give me some advice on which one to get so that I don’t spend 6 grand on an ATV that I don’t like. Basically I’ll just be using it for pleasure. No work, no
hunting, basically just play riding. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thx Bob
Are you set on 4-wheel drive because you plan on mud riding most of the time? If not, you
might consider a sport quad like a Honda 400 EX or Yamaha’s new Raptor.
My name is Mark Tschida and I’m very good at freestyle but I’m short on sponsors. I can do
all of the tricks in the book. All I need are some sponsors to further myself. How can I get
p.s still looking good!
Sounds like you need a resume. You are probably too late to get a sponsor now, since most companies usually decide on who they will help out in the months of October – December.
When you do make your resume, you should keep in mind that it’s not what they can do for
you — rather what you can do for them. Good luck!
I enjoy reading your column online and have been an ATV rider for quite sometime. I thought I’d offer to hook you and your friends up with some FREE Harry Beaver Novelty T-shirts. (As seen on They are quite funny and I’m sure your readers would get a kick out
of them! All I need to know is how many you’d like and where I should send them.
PS. Great pictures! I’m an attractive/professional 26/m who’s single. I thought you might like riding with me sometime soon. Your trails or mine?
Erik Barnlund
Harry Beaver Novelty T-shirts
Thanks Erik. Cute beaver! Only in America! Are you getting rich from these shirts? I like the
golf one myself! You need a female model to better show off your t-shirt line up. You know — show off the beav a little better. I’m curious as to how many people surf over to your site since
I published your letter above. If you have a way to know, let me know. I’m not wanting to
compete with you or anything. Just wondering how much influence my column has on
potential advertisers.

Here is a bring-on-summer parting shot for you. It’s Danielle and I at a Cleveland Browns football game. Notice the brutal weather. We spent most of the game watching the Browns stink it up on TV in the stadium bar.