Ask Cindy 5-17-00
- Updated: May 17, 2000

Year 1 Issue 2
By Cindy Campbell
I’ve been quite busy traveling, from coast to coast. At the end of March, I was in L.A. for some Oscar parties. I went to a pre-Oscar party the night before the big event, (L.A. lives for this night!) The night of the Oscar’s, I went to a couple different parties. At the Beverly Hills Hotel I attended Night of 100 Stars.
What an overwhelming experience, I saw nearly everybody, from Tony Curtis to Judd Nelson, Shelly Long to Jane Seymour, and even Erik Estrada! The next day I went on a little tour of the CBS Studios, I got to see behind the scenes of the Price is Right, walk on the set of Politically Incorrect, and watch them make a couple scenes of the soap The Bold & The Beautiful. Here’s a picture of me & actor Dan McVicar who’s character is Clark on The Bold & The Beautiful.
Afterwards, I went to a famous restaurant in Beverly Hills called Spago (Out of this world food). But you wouldn’t believe who walked in, Billy Crystal, the whole restaurant applauded him, because he had just hosted the Oscar’s the night before.
After my trip to L.A. I came home to Ohio for a coupe of days, then I was off to a photo shoot for a swimwear company in Ft. Lauderdale. After 2 days of shooting, I finally came home for more than just a quick pit-stop, (that’s what has taken me so long to get my second issue posted). I’m only booked for a few local modeling gigs for the summer, so this will free up plenty of time for checking out a few local and national ATV racing events, and I should be able to take more time for future Ask Cindy’s — so you won’t have to wait as long next time.
I just checked out my first race of the year, a local CRA MX track in Spring Valley, Ohio. It’s close to where they hold a GNCC in Lisbon, Ohio. Speaking of GNCC, I would like to see one of those someday. I hear you GNCC guys flat out fly through the woods. Anyway, I had a blast at Spring Valley and got the spring fever ATV racing bug — I’m definitely looking forward to getting out to more & more races! Hope to see you at some of them!OK — on to answering some of your questions…
What really happened at the “Kangaroo Kid” post-jump/crash jacuzzi party last year? There’s only a few people who know, and I imagine you’re one of them. Do any pictures exist? And finally, why wasn’t I invited?
Steve Casper
Dirt Wheels
P.S I think Matt “The Kangaroo Kid” should jump a pit filled with Rosie O’Donnell, Whoopie Goldberg, Oprah, Rosanne, and Kathy Lee. That way he’ll clear it for sure.
I’m not sure what happened after I left Matt Coulter at the un-official post race jacuzzi party . Last I saw him he was in his white bathrobe smoking a cigar and ignoring any pain he was feeling. Then I hear he and his crew made their way to a late night restaurant. He made himself right at home by not bothering to change out of the robe or put out his stogy. I guess the restaurant people didn’t mind. Or maybe they felt bad and let it slide since he crashed so hard earlier that night. I’m sure there are some great “Motion Pro” sticker pictures out there some where! And this year speak up, we love Dirt Wheels — you’re more than welcome to hang out with us.Hello Cindy,
What age group of girls race quads? At 34 am I too old? And how many race at once? Also do Blasters race against other 200’s or with faster machines?
Age means nothing — go for it! The top women in the Women’s Class at the nationals are in their early 20’s. Local race tracks usually have women’s classes, but I think it’s structured like the nationals, so you would be up against women that are riding 250Rs. A full gate is 20 riders, but I’ve never seen that many women out there at once.
Hi Cindy, pretty cool to have your own column huh? I agree with your views on the raw smell of a good running two-stroke, Race gas just has a certain smell that gets you pumped. It’s the best in the early morning when we are up at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes in Michigan and you can smell it all around you. Just where do you live that has this track, and can anyone ride on it? If so I would like to see what it’s like. What type of money can you make a year being a trophy-girl/model? Do you still have the Blaster and ride it? Well I guess that’s enough questions for now.
Chris Fredmonsky
Streetsboro,OH Firefighter/ATV enthusiast
Well Chris to answer your questions. Yes, it’s really cool having my own column. I never imagined it would take off so fast. I was just told that we have over a quarter of a million hits at ATV Scene — and we’re only two months old! I’m hoping to get up to the Silver Lake’s dunes, I’ve heard it’s a great time. This track I spoke of is in North Canton, Ohio. It’s a dirt bike track in a guys back yard, but you would think you were at a top notch MX park. This is the track that was seen on Huevos 2. I don’t think anyone can just come and ride on it though, sorry. About my income, not enough money, but that’s all changing. Yes, I still have the Blaster, I still ride it, and I’m still way slow, but you dont have to ride real fast to have fun.
Hi Cindy!
Do you know of any good free riding places in NE Ohio? Where do you ride in Ohio? I’d love to ride you, ah, I mean, ride with you sometime. I’m married and shouldn’t joke around like that but hey, hope you had a good laugh.
You might look under escorts in the yellow pages. I think that’s the kind of riding you would really rather do anyway, right?
Hello, my name is Kevin. I’m wanting to know more about the Legends Race 2000 July 28-29th. I would appreciate your reply, thank you.
Not really my gig Kevin. Check out ‘On the Fast-Trak for the newest Legends Race 2000 news. I do know that It will be a happening like no other. I know I’ll be there.
I asked what Matt “The Kangaroo Kid” should jump over in his next big American jump. Here’s a few ideas…
How about Farr’s motorhome and trailer……long ways.
Steve Miller (#48)
I think the Kangaroo Kid should jump over a house. It would be cool. You could make a poster of it because there aren’t to many good ATV posters out. I think that would be sweet!
Dear Cindy,
My name is Mark. I’m 13 and from CT. I think Matt should jump over the Grand Canyon like Robbie Kneivel. It would be real cool! I know I would watch it.
How rad did you get on the Blaster? Four wheels are definitely better than two. How about a cover spread on you and Anna Nicole Smith going head to head on a couple of Honda 400 EXs? If you want you can do it at my place in Croom Park, FL.
Love ya! Keep up the good work we’re definitely looking forward to something more from you in the near future congrats on the new page!
Thanks for the nice comments Jon! Ever since I crashed bad, I don’t get very rad! As for Anna and I riding at your place, I’m not real sure. What more can you offer us than just a place to ride?
I got a ton of e-mails from readers asking for more pictures. Hope you guys like the new ones in this month’s Ask Cindy.