Ask Cindy 8-6-00
- Updated: August 6, 2000

Year 1 Issue 3
By Cindy Campbell
I wanted to start by apologizing for the delay in updating my column, race activities have delayed all of us here at ATV Scene!
I had plans to go to either the Red Bud quad GNC or the Mt. Morris bike national back on Memorial Day Weekend, but the stormy weather changed my plans. I didn’t attend either. Can’t help the girl in me!
I did attend my first ATV MX National at Mt. Morris. What a RUSH to finally see what the pros do on a motocross track instead of a TT race. It was like watching an F-18 taking off for the first time! And the women’s class was extremely impressive — confirms the fact I won’t be racing with them. Those girls seriously haul butt!
It turned out to be a beautiful weekend, hot with a little rain here and there. I went down on the Saturday afternoon knowing the pros ride Sunday. I spent the night in Morgantown. After we checked into the hotel we asked a local where a happening bar would be. He gave me directions to a place called Club Paradise. It seemed like we were in the middle of nowhere, then out of the nothingness, I noticed all kinds of ATV trailers & quads in the back of pickups. Needless to say we had a great time hanging out with everyone, it was worth mentioning–I had fun!

(Photo by Thom Veety) Cindy, Stacy, Danielle and Robyn
The following week ATV Scene had a booth at Wayne County Speedway for the Hava Tampa Nationals to promote the upcoming Buckeye Nationals. We decided these people liked the wrong sport! They need to come watch ATVs! We were proud that our ATV National drew a way bigger crowd than the big car race national did. Anyway, the week before the car race, we set up another booth in the town of Orrville for their annual Orrville Days Festival. I personally want to thank the Orrville Fire Department and all the friendly “Orrvillians” who kept the ATV Scene crew company! The Firemen even gave me one of their shirts, thanks! Our booth was jamb-packed (and I don’t mean Smucker’s Jelly kind of jam) – whoops, maybe I shouldn’t mention Smucker’s — John Pellan cant stand them for not wanting to get involved with ATV racing – they say it’s not a family orientated sport – yeah and Hockey isn’t a tough sport — whatever! Anyway back to what I was getting to, there was a ton of people that were truly into ATV racing and the annual Buckeye Nationals. I think the AMA GNC coming to town is having an impact on the people there. They are truly into it!
You know my favorite event is of course the Buckeye Nationals, and what an event it was this year! My hometown radio station WRQK Rock 106.9 had come out for a live play by play broadcast, Matt Coulter “the Kangaroo Kid” was back to attempt his jump again, all the nation’s top pros were back in our state, and over 8,000 fans showed up, breaking last year’s attendance! My scariest moment was sitting on the back of the WRQK custom Harley Davidson — not knowing the owner from Adam with no helmet. They wanted to parade me and the bike around the track and show it off to get people to enter the raffle. As we got rolling, I asked the guy, “You are just going out there to putt around right? We have no helmets on, that track is really slippery, so don’t try & show off with me on the back of this thing.” The dude says, “No problem.” What does he do? About 50 to 60 mph! He had to go out and ham it up for the crowd, — he buzzed past them so fast I doubt they had a chance to even check out the custom bike! Girls take some advice — never jump on the back of a bike with just anyone. My most memorable moment had to be Matt jumping 140 feet not once, but twice, like it was nothing! I wish he would have broke his record, I know he wanted it bad – as did everyone there.I want to thank Dealer News, Racer X and Motorcycle Product News for their nice comments about my column & their plug for our site! Thanks to Steve Kame of Kame’s Sports Center for supplying our trophy girl outfits from Twisted, and Clay’s RV for supplying our beautiful RV for the Buckeye Nationals. And I want to thank my actor friend Dan McVicar for e-mailing his nice comments! He found our site on the search engine If you are looking for anything this is the place to find it. Try entering your own name and see what comes up, you’ll be surprised at the results!
Now on to answering some of your questions…
Hey Cindy,
I have a couple of questions for you… Are you a real girl–no plastic? Do you ever ride a quad? When do we get to see more pictures of you? What chat room are you in when you chat? Are you married? If so, does he ride quads? Ever pose nude? If so, what magazine and issue? What are your measurements?
I think my mom would love you
Dear Grintsndr,
If that’s your name, your mom can’t be too loving of a person. To answer your questions, yes, I consider myself a real girl. Yes, I ride. I’ll be riding the new Yamaha Raptor soon — I’ll give you a girl’s prospective on the cool new quad. I will be updating my pix on my page periodically. I may make a guest appearance in the ATV Scene/ATV Source chat room sometime in the near future. No, I’m not married. No, I’ve never posed nude, sorry to disappoint you. I’m 34-24-34
Hello Cindy,
Just a short note to let you know I checked out the website. I am one of the Orrville Firefighters that was keeping you and your crew company on 7/8/00 at our July 4th Celebration Fireworks. I like the website and of course I really enjoyed your pics. Looking forward to seeing more! We hope you enjoyed yourself here in Orrville and will look forward to seeing you again. Take care and thanks for being such a nice person… I enjoyed visiting with all of you at your booth!
Rich Nester
Orrville FD
Hello again Rich.
Just so everyone knows. The Orrville people are way cool! Especially the Fire Department’s Rich. Rumor has it that the real reason you guys went up the ladder bucket was to look down my shirt. Just kiddin’ Thanks for parking by us, it was a blast!
Dear Cindy,
If ATV Scene is looking for another trophy girl, I think they should pick a true female ATV enthusiast. Forget the models. Their only interest is in their personal careers.
I understand what your saying, but I didn’t become an ATV enthusiast overnight, don’t deny a pretty girl the chance to get to like the sport – model or not.
Hey Cindy,
Are you going to Oregon Sand Fest 2000? I think you should. Those guys would really be racing if you were on the sidelines watching.
Brian Johnson
Dear Brian,
Sorry, I heard that’s a really cool event, but for me, Ohio was the place to be in July. I did the trophy girl thing at the Buckeye Nationals GNC on July 21-23 in Orrville. Then headed north to catch the Legends racing action at the Ashtabula GNC the week after. Click over to the On The Fast-Trak column for more information on these big events. Maybe the powers that be at the ATV Scene have the Oregon Sand Fest in my travel schedule for next year. I would love to check it out. Sounds like a great time. Send us some pix and event news and will post them on the next On The Fast-Trak column.
Dear Cindy,
I love your column and especially your pictures. I am 16 years old and I live in Canton, OH. I was interested in the track you mentioned in North Canton. I would appreciate any directions you could give me to get to this track. Also, I ride on a track in Canton, built by a friend of Tim Farr. I have only seen him there once before, but I hear he stops by whenever he has time. Maybe someday you could stop by. I would love to race you. Feel free to privately e-mail me those directions and, if you want, I would appreciate some pix.
Dear Ben,
Sorry but I’m sworn to secrecy. LOL.
Hey beautiful, I have a question for you. I’ve been looking to buy a sport ATV. I’ve been looking at a 400EX and a Banshee. I haven’t been able to ride either one, but I need to know which one I would feel more comfortable on because I’m 6’3″. Thank you for your help.
Dear Jason,
Boy, you’re putting me on the spot! If you buy the wrong quad, will it be my fault? I say, go ride them both. Visit your local dealer and try them out first hand. BTW, you may want to also look at Yamaha’s new Raptor 660R. ATV Scene’s John Pellan just got back from two days of torture testing the new machine. From what I hear it’s better than anything on the market. Look for a full report on the Raptor soon.
Hi, Cindy
My name is Clint. I race a Honda 300EX. What is it like knowing all of the GNC racers? And is it weird being in a bikini in front of every one? Last thing, do u know when HUEVOS III is coming out? Email me back personally, OK?
Hi Clint!
I don’t know all of the riders, only a few. They all seem to be pretty cool. Being in a bikini in front of people is as weird as going to the beach in a bikini, nothing wrong with that, right? I can’t email anyone back. I can only post the questions we feel are site worthy! I just talked to Wes Miller of H-Bomb Films, he says the new video is turning out better than even her expected. He said it will be out about Christmas time. You might click up, for more Huevos info.
My mouth dropped when I saw pictures of you and that sweet 250R. There is nothing sexier than a beautiful model like yourself next to a beautiful quad. Where can I find more pictures? E-mail them to me. Please!
Will you marry me your too good to be true!
Damn girl, put some clothes on. I’ve stained my leathers.
I was wondering if you have a picture gallery?
Hi Cindy
Can you please send me some of your pics? I would love it because I think you’re the hottest girl in the world!
Hey Cindy,
You can come to my house and ride on my MX track. Also I can offer anything you want.
Keep up the good work.
Hi this is Keith Page.
I am collecting autographed pictures of ATV racers. An autographed pic of you would be nice too. How can I get one of you and the star ATV racers?
Thank you,
Easy. Attend a GNC, GNCC or a stadium event this winter. As for one of me, I am showing up at more and more ATV races these days, so maybe you can catch me at the races as well.
Hello Cindy
I was at Orrville Ohio and saw you wearing your Division shirt and light tan skirt. I also saw you in your motor home with not a whole lot on looking good! Thanks for being a trophy girl! I was wondering what you would say to sending me some of your photos?
Well, to all of you asking for more pics, all I can say is you are going to have to keep coming back to ATV Scene for updates. Unless we can get the editors to start up a store page that you can possibly purchase ATV Scene merchandise, like hats, shirts, posters or maybe even a 2001 ATV calendar. If we have enough inquiries, I can see us doing that
Hope you all like my newest pictures. Talk to you soon!
Love Cindy