Ask Cindy 9-20-00
- Updated: September 20, 2000

Year 1 Issue 4
By Cindy Campbell
Hello again everyone!
Race season is sadly over. Hard to believe that Fall and Winter are just around the corner. The last ATV race I attended was round 11 of the GNC series at Loretta Lynn’s. What a blast all of us of the ATV Scene crew had that weekend! I met lots of new friends. We partied hard the night before the pro mains, I remember some guy from Georgia, what a character. He smoked a cigarette all the way to the filter in 10 seconds, I think I was more grossed out than impressed though. He also kept commenting on my white pearly smile and the fact that I left my headlights on. I always brush my teeth and it was a little cool that night — what can I say (blush). Pre and post the Saturday night party night, I thoroughly enjoyed being at Loretta Lynn’s Dude Ranch! Ever since the movie “Coal Miner’s Daughter” it’s been on my to do list to go there. And what a better reason than to see it with all my ATV friends. Needless to say, it was well worth the 11 hour drive.

Cindy is seen here with Ted Heilbron of Nik’s Pro X at the Loretta Lynn’s GNC national.
While there I hooked up with a new friend named Ted Heilbron of Nik’s Pro X (LA Sleeve). What a cool guy! I Helped out at his booth most of the time on Sunday, but made sure I didn’t miss too much of the race action. Ted asked if I could help him at Steel City two weeks later for the last race of the year of the AMA outdoor bike nationals. It was either back to Tennessee for round 12 of the GNCs to spectator or drive 2 hrs. to Pennsylvania to get paid. I ended up at Steel City! One of the trophy girls from Orrville, Stacy, went with me to help out. She couldn’t believe the turn out, I think the final count was around 42,000! Man I wish ATV racing got that kind of attention. She and I had decided to sell pictures of ourselves to make extra cash, and to help promote ATV Scene. Guess what – even in a 95% dirt bike only crowd –we sold out! Steve Kame, of Kame’s Sports Center in
North Canton, Ohio, was generous enough to donate a quad, bike and some cool Sinisalo/Kames riding gear to help with our poster pictures. Based on the success of these poster sales and the amount of request for pictures of cute girls on cool quads, we are definitely going to do more in the near future. Before I get to answering this month’s questions, I must say I’m excited about the latest place to be — or maybe I should say — the latest ATV scene. It’s the 2000 year end Grand National Championship Awards Banquet in Fort Mitchell, KY (real close to the Cincinnati airport) on November 4th. I’ve heard this is a huge shin-dig. ATV Scene is a big sponsor of the banquet and they are bringing the whole crew. Even Matt Coulter “The Kangaroo Kid” is coming. If you haven’t made your GNC banquet reservations then call Byron & Shelli Goggin at (810) 765-9162 or fax them at (810) 765-9182 and ask them to fax you the information. Right after the banquet we’re off to cover a jump that Matt is going to do during Bike Fest 2000 in Las Vegas. Then it’s off to Wes Miller’s Huevos 3 video premier in California. Ahh – Life’s good! Even after the season there are still plenty of fun things going on in the sport. If you would like to be at the Huevos 3 video premier check for more information.
OK on to Ask Cindy….
My name is Jon I race a modified 300EX. Why is it that no one, and I mean NO ONE seems to make a killer seat cover for a 300EX. I have a Nac’s decal kit, and a lot of Nac’s parts but they dont make a seat cover for my EX. Any Idea where I might find one such as Graydon Proline or something like that? Or if someone might custom fit a Nac’s seat cover for me.
Do any of your readers know where I can find a lipstick shade called “misty pink”? No one seems have it.
Dear Cindy
You say on one hand you do ride and that your going to be behind the bars of the Yamaha Raptor the most powerful stock ATV in the world! A few letters later, you openly tell us your not really an ATVer and just getting into the sport. I think that’s cool and that more woman need to get into the sport like you are, but if you’re just barely getting into the sport, then why are you getting a Raptor? That move could get a beginner killed!
Vet woods rider of 10 years,
I’m not getting a Raptor. I love my Blaster it’s perfect for me. I only mentioned that I was going to ride one, (it’s on the request of the editors here at ATV Scene, they thought it might be nice change of pace to have a woman’s opinion on the new machine.) I have over three years of experience riding my Blaster, I’m over 16, I plan on a wearing the proper equipment and I don’t plan on riding it at a level that’s over my head. I do see your point and your right – there are lots of people riding machines they shouldn’t. Maybe after I ride it I will publish that even a girl with three years of ATV riding experience shouldn’t dare ride the beast — and maybe not. I’ve been told the powerband is very predictable and absolutely nothing hard hitting like the two-stroke Banshee.
Hey Cindy,
I was wondering if you could get me some information on the 2001 Blaster or even the 2000 Blaster because I am looking into buying one. I want to know how fast it goes and if it takes a gas mix. Thank you!
I love my Blaster and would highly recommend it to anyone, especially new ATV enthusiasts. Yes you mix the gas. I never clocked mine, but I think it would go about 45 mph — give or take a few. Ride one before you buy it and see if it’s for you or not.
A question I would like to ask would be if you can touch your nose with your tongue?
Andrew Loechler
Nope. Can you? If so, send us a picture.
I just wanted to know what size bra you wear?
Jimmy LBZ rider #111
I’m a 34C or a 36D, depends on the bra!
Hi Cindy,
Love your columns….err..uhm….I mean your column (and ATV Scene!) I noticed you mentioned an ATV Scene calendar in your column. If you guys have nothing in the works I would love to design and create one for you. I wouldn’t charge for my services, I would just like to contribute to the growth and success of ATV Scene. I am from Canton, Ohio myself so it could be an easy process. Let me know if I can help.
Thanks for wanting to help us out! We might take you up on that. Maybe give you a few months of the calendar and see what you come up with. E-mail jpellan@atvscene,com
for his opinion on what you can do.
When are you getting more pictures? What state do you live in? I was wondering if you and I can go on a date? If you was wondering, I race local. I want to get one of them new Raptors soon.
Your friend,
I hope you live in Ohio, or at least your old truck can somehow make it from from where you live so we can go out.
Hey Cindy,
I just checked out your page and think it’s cool! It’s nice to see good looking girls on good looking ATVs. I ride an ATC 250R. I’m trying soon to invest in a Banshee. Let me know how the new Raptor feels. What color scheme do you like better blue or black and gray? I prefer the black for the Banshee I want.
Later beautiful! Take care!
Staten Island, NY
Dear Shaun,
I prefer the blue. As a guy you won’t want my opinion on the quad, will you? For a much more in depth report on the new sport quad click on the Raptor below.
Please e-mail me at silverboy2222 because I fell in love with you the first time I saw you and need more information to get to know you. It is to good to be true that a girl like you rides ATVs. You are so hot! So please e-mail me at my address. ! have to learn more about you my true love. After you e-mail me I will save your address and e-mail you back. You are so sexy too!
Love you always.
Dear Silverboy2222,
Hope you like the new pictures, because I don’t think you are going to get the real thing. Sorry.
Dear Cindy,
Hi beauty Cindy! You are the second most sexiest girl in America. The first is my wife. I bet I’m the farthest fan from you. I ride in the Atacama Desert and the Medanoso Peak, which is 2000 feet over the valley. It’s 100% sand! Yes, it’s greatest peaks in the world! Peter Rajsic from Santiago de Chile.
Hi Peter,
It’s nice to have someone from so far away writing to my column. We really are in tune with the whole world I guess! The pic you sent looks way too scary for me to ride! I can’t believe you ride up and down that ravine! Send us some shots of you riding there — but dont get hurt or kill yourself, OK? I’ll post your shots in my next Ask Cindy.
Hey there Cindy
You look pretty nice on your little website. You have any more pics you could send me. If you do send it back to my e-mail.
bye sexy.
Hi Cindy,
I was wondering if I could get some pictures of you on some quads? I would really like it a lot. I don’t have e-mail yet, but will be getting it in the next month. Also were do you live?
Hey Cindy,
Do you and Stacy have picture galleries on the Internet that I could look at? I saw you two at Steel City Raceway and WOW you two are beautiful! I got both of your pictures and now I want to see more of you two.
Johnstown, Pa
Hi Cindy,
Could you please send me some pictures of you? I am a big fan and would like some pictures. They will be appreciated. Thanks!
Your biggest fan,
For all of you who keep asking for more pics, all I can say is — Keep coming
back to my column, but forget about me sending pictures to your personal e-mail addresses. If I started doing that, I would spend all day uploading all the pictures that readers requested. Sorry guys.