Cobra ESX50 and ESX70
- Updated: October 21, 2005

Cobra revolutionized Youth Quad Racing in 2005 with its introduction of the race ready ECX70. At season’s end Cobra ended up with the 70cc Production National Motocross Championship with rider David Beer on board, and at the final round at Loretta Lynn’s Dude Ranch, Cobras swept the top seven spots in the production class and in addition swept the podium in the 70cc mod class.
Today Cobra announced their 2006 ECX70. In addition Cobra is introducing two new products into their lineup for 2006. The all-new ECX50 is an impressive little machine. This little powerhouse shares much of the championship winning Arens chassis hardware with its big brother, the ECX70. Furthermore, the ECX50’s engine will be based off the same engine that has powered Cobra riders on two wheels to numerous national titles over the past decade.
Cobra’s second product introduction will be in the form of a kit: According to Cobra, with the addition of their bolt-on auto clutch and a big bore cylinder, any ECX70 racer can make their ATV legal for the 90cc Production class. In this dad won’t have to buy a new ATV to keep up with junior’s class advancement.
ECX70 ATV – 70cc Production Class
· Nerf bars (with heel baskets) standard equipment
· Completely revamped rear suspension system. Better control and more strength
· Stronger and stiffer Arens design frame
· Improved engine mounting
· Improved cooling system
· Stronger shifting mechanism
· Additional swingarm mounted chain guide
· Additional steering stops
· Improved carburetor
ECX50 ATV – 50cc Production Class
The ECX50’s smaller size, lighter weight, and automatic transmission make it a serious consideration to the 50cc production class.
· Shares the ECX70s championship winning Arens frame!
· Shares the King 50s championship wining engine!
· Utilizes Cobra Friction Drive technology…Especially important for Quads where driveline durability is at a premium.
· Lower seat height than the ECX70 so the little guys can maneuver easily
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