Dustin Wimmer 6-27-03

ImageThe NBA draft was just the other day and anyone that has listened to the evening news knows that Cleveland, Ohio’s “King” Labron James AKA “the chosen one”, is the talk of the NBA’s future. Many view Center Valley, PA’s Dustin Wimmer in the same way. Perhaps Wimmer is ATV racing’s “chosen one”.

Need proof?
Dustin has already wrapped up the ultra competitive A class national championship with an amazing 7 of 8 wins! His loss was a second place at the bizarre Birch Creek GNC, where he didn’t get to run the second moto due to severe weather. Winning an A level national championship is a huge accomplishment, wrapping it up three rounds early is un heard of!

We got to to talk with the likable Wimmer recently and put it all into text. Check out the conversation below….

ATV Scene: Dustin, first off, congratulations on winning the A national championship! What a great season you are having so far. You’re also leading the Pro-Am class, correct? Did you expect to dominate this way coming into this year?
Wimmer: I felt strongly that I would be at the top in the A class, but did not expect to be where I am in the Pro Am class. I thought maybe in the top five, but I’ll take this!
ImageATV Scene: You’ve got one of the more impressive resumes out there. In 2001 you won both the Open B and Air-cooled classes. In 2002 you were one point away from winning the Four Stroke A class, and you were third in the A class. And now you’ve won the A early than anyone would ever imagine and you’re well on your way to taking the Pro Am class too! Where do you go from here?
Wimmer: Thank you! I am not sure, at the end of the year I will make my decision.

ATV Scene: You raced against some of the pros last year at Southwick and did pretty well. Do you believe you’re ready for the pro class?
Wimmer: I feel I can be competitive, yet I am not sure I can take the time to train for that long twenty minutes while attending school.

ATV Scene: When you do go pro, will you go the Pro Production route, or will you race the pro class?
Wimmer: I want to see what happens this year with the Pro Production, and then look at what Honda comes out with and see all my options.

ATV Scene: Do you believe that production quads are the future of the sport? If so, why?
Wimmer: I believe it is too soon to tell. Now that Yamaha has come out with a true race worthy quad, I think the manufacturers will get more involved so it should be interesting to see what develops in the ATV racing scene.

ATV Scene: What are you riding this year?
Wimmer: A Walsh CRF 450, with a lot of Gibson and ECA parts.

ATV Scene: Who’s your biggest competition at this point?
Wimmer: Nate Frees and Gil Attix in the Pro Am.

ImageATV Scene: Is it hard competing against your teammate (Gil Attix) in the Pro-Am class?
Wimmer: Yes, and No. We are best friends who talk about each race and track conditions after every race off the track. Then on the track we are strong competitors.

ATV Scene: Do you ever find yourself second-guessing your moves when racing against Gil?
Wimmer: No, not second-guessing, although If we were going into a turn and the situation was showing one line only, and I knew it would mean crashing for one of us, I feel that both of us would show extra caution for each other. I am definitely not the type of rider who would take a chance if I thought any other rider would be hurt. That killer instinct is not in me, and never
was. I was told that years ago when I wrestled in school too.

ATV Scene: Speaking of teammates, what are your thoughts on Joe Byrd’s season so far?
Wimmer: Joe had bad luck last year and now all of his hard work and training is paying off. I could not be more happy for him, and in his words “Yee-Haaa”!

ATV Scene: Who else is on the “East Coast ATV” team this year?
Wimmer: Brian Tait races in B class, along with Joe, his wife Heather, and Gil.

ATV Scene: Lastly, what happened to your “Ultra-Bling-Bling” hauler and trailer from last year?
Wimmer: We downsized. Mom and I now have a new 44′ ATC Trailer with living quarters in the front.

ATV Scene: Good Luck with the rest of your season. We’ll talk with you again soon.
Wimmer: Thank you for your time and interest in me. I would like to thank Dave of East Coast ATV. He has been a major factor in my success over the years. He has always been there for me when ever I needed a helping hand or a bit of confidence. Craig at East Coast has always handled the maintenance of my quads after each national race. And of course I can’t forget the support of my Mom and Dad.

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