Early ATV Racing Highlights of 2002
- Updated: March 13, 2002

Bad news for GNCC Sr. riders. Former A class front runner, Dave Simmons will occasionally race the old man class. He easily won the Morganton, NC event. His elapsed time would have put him on an A class podium.

photo by: Wes Miller Lookout Jeremiah…H-Bomb films spoted Team Zulu Tribe while shooting Huevos 5 in Africa.

photo by Wes Miller. Tavis Cain’s kitty

Brad Warner’s bitch

More Georgia moto chics.

Hollie Shartzer’s Sparks Racing CRF 440 GNC racer .

Kawaski goes GNC racing? This William Yokley team replica was seen at the Macon GNC. More breaking news as it comes.

ATV Action’s Adam Campbell prepares his entry (Scott G, aka – Jerky) for the South Beach Mr. Clean Competition in Macon, GA

GNCC Pro Production class front runner, Michael Krachun – welcome back!

The Bulldog – Donny Banks now reigns terror on un prepared motocross and cross country ATV riders with his grueling Macon, GA GNC and GNCC race tracks.

LBZ in the house at the ’02 Dealer Expo. LBZ now comes in Johnny Toxic flavor (red hair). On the left is Jack Edwards – formerly of DG.

Suzuki’sDR 400 old school swingarm Atleast the rest of the quad kick’s ass..

Roll Design’s Doug Roll is responsible for most of the pro class front runner’s frames.

Refreshing, new technology by Cannondale.

Aluminum aftermarket frames by LRD? Yep. And Bill Ballance is winning races with them.

ATV Lesson 1026. Never triple when you should be doubling.

Not your ordinary camp site. Trackside Software’s John Dains and Kirt Session, the go to guys for GNCC scoring, have raised the bar for off road motorsports scoring.

One of the first factory backed ATV riders in over 14 years! Nac’s Cannondale’s Ben Jackson

Lookout, JJ wants a GNCC single digit too.

photo by: Mike Nichols. Gregory Trew has been tearing up the GNCC racetracks. Trew took a top five overall at Loretta’s on his East Coast ATV 400EX

photo by: Julie LeMay. Tim Farr was the first to debut a Honda CRF 450 (turned 440cc) in the pro class.

Don’t worry warmer weather at the GNCCs is just around the corner.