On The Fast-Trak 11-2-00
- Updated: November 2, 2000

When the ATV racing season unwinds, we are our busiest. We’ve literally been all over the United States in the last month. We’ve been searching high and low from Fla.- to Mass for ATV National worthy facilities. We’ve sat through, stated our case and argued at countless meetings like AMA Congress, ATVA Promoter and Sponsor Meetings. We’ve been getting the scoop at recent happenings like the Huevos III Video Premier and dunning the hell out of the new Yamaha Raptor at the Glamis, CA sand dunes. It’s good to finally be back in the office and spreading the word to keep you up to date in the ATV scene’.

Your editor resisting the offer from Dennis Cox to come work for Dirt Wheels magazine…Yeah right! Dennis is the senior editor for Dirt Wheels and was there to cover the race while one of his co-workers rode a stock 400EX that Mickey Dunlop loaned them. He is also a super nice guy who took some time out of his busy day to talk to me and snap a few pics of my wife and I with my quad. Who knows maybe we will show up on the cover!
GNCC Round 12 – Sept. 23-24 — High Point, Mt. Morris, PA
Ballancing Act at High Point
By Scott Johnson
Bill Ballance may not see dead people like in the movie but he sure has to have a sixth sense about the title. That’s right it is Ballance’s sixth win of the season! Ballance was not the only one with a break through movie performance. It’s great to see some new names in the top 10 this
week – Way to go guys!
1. Bill Ballance
2. Matt Smiley
3. Bradley Page
4. William Yokley
5. Chris Borich
6. Daniel Destefano
7. Jared Huffman
8. Bryan Baker
9. James Wahl
10. Steve Holbert

I wouldn’t be doing my job as a reporter if I didn’t put this pic in of my nemesis Brock Parker this kid is flying in the utility stock class. I hate him! Just kidding. He is a very nice kid who just happens to be faster than me. That is — for now!
This race was exciting for me since we got to ride the same motocross track (well parts of it) as all the big name big money pro 2 wheel motocross guys. Now before you start cussing at your computer hear me out. Exciting because when people look at me funny and say stuff like, “I didn’t know they raced ATVs anymore”, and “Where y’all race stuff like that?” I can give them some sort of example they might be able to relate to – catch my drift? Then I can go into my “motocross guys don’t have to weave in and out of trees wide open” banter as well. The track was great – and a ton of fun! There was only one really dusty section on the course, which you had to slow down to see through. Of course there was one rocky run up a creek bed. I am starting to wonder if Racer Productions just keeps a bunch of rocks with them at all times to keep us on our toes. There were just enough tight sections to kill your editor who was trying to nurse an injured shoulder.
GNCC Round 13 – Oct. 7-8 – Scarecrow, Uhrichsville, OH
Yokley & Team Green Take the Scarecrow 100!
By Scott Johnson
William Yokley pulls out the win for Team Green at Crow Canyon over Chad Duvall by only 5 seconds! Now that is close! Matt Smiley was third followed by your new GNCC champ for 2000 Bill Ballance. This means of course that Team Green will fall just short again of snatching that pro title. But hey, they deserve major praise for doing what all the other manufactures are too afraid to do — put their money were their mouth is and sponsor a team. Our sport is just not going to get the publicity it deserves till we get some support from them. Speaking of Team Green, Todd Knippenberg, won the 4str/stk class on his 250 Mojave. I pitted next to Todd and his family at this race and they are the nicest bunch of guys you would ever want to meet. That is what is great about this series, everyone you run into is very kind and helpful — so come on out and race!
Pro Results
1. William Yokley
2. Chad Duvall
3. Matt Smiley
4. Bill Ballance
5. Bradley Page
GNCC Hot setups
By Scott Johnson

Foot peg extenders are a must for cross-country racing. Do we need to remind you how important it is to keep your feet on the pegs at all times?

For all you utility brothers and liquid cooled fan havers, Kawasaki’s Mike Penland puts a hot switch on his fan so he can just turn it on at the beginning of the race to keep his quad running cool Otherwise it only comes on when it’s hot. A cool motor always produces more horsepower than a hot one.
For more GNCC event info. — click over to http://www.gnccracing.com
Letter to the editor:
Another year of AMA ATV racing is over. This means another year of paying the AMA’s fees.
Did you ever wonder where the money goes? I sure do! But if you look in Pickerington, Ohio you’ll see a multi million-dollar complex that we ATV riders have surely helped pay for. Do the ATV riders get any respect? If you’ve raced the GNC you know that answer! Now the AMA is soon to start their interpretation of an ATV only association, (like this is gonna fix things, right.) I’m betting not! It’s a matter of responding to our racing needs, and the AMA sure has fallen short yet again for the 2001 GNC series. Lets look at 2001 GNC a little.
I hear that we are going to Georgia for a TT race held by Donny Banks. Mr. Banks’ race last year was a good race in my opinion, but I’m of the opinion that no GNC promoter should have two races. I have this opinion because I believe that if one promoter is going to have two races the 2nd race should go to the promoters that first and foremost have proven their worth! RE: John Pellan and George Davis! For 2 years now FAST-TRAK PROMOTIONS has promoted the most successful race in the GNC circuit, but do they even get a consideration for a 2nd race? NO! I hear that they were told they should maybe help Mr. Banks! Hardly appropriate if you ask me.
While school is in session, the youth classes should not be last. Actually, I do know there is no perfect race, all try hard, it’s just that some succeed when trying, some dont.
I also hear about TT tracks in Missouri, why aren’t they considered? I’ve personally talked to MX promoters, they tell me that they’ve begged for a GNC race, but to no avail, again, why are they never even considered?
So, after being lied to, disrespected (our pro’s aren’t considered pro’s in the AMA’s eyes, I feel that is mighty disrespectful), and not caring about the needs of the people that pay for it all (the amateurs), I’m not too happy with the AMA. Surely I dont expect it to get better in the future with their new ATV club, they had years to listen to us, now they are gonna start all of the sudden? Yeah RIGHT!
These views are mine and I could be wrong.
Jack Moore
East Springfield, PA.
Wow, had a lot on your chest, huh? Some of your opinions seem to make sense. We (Fast-Trak Promotions, Inc.) did indeed submit a few worthy options to aid the 2001 GNC series. We badly wanted to promote an ATVA Southwick, MA GNC. We were confident that we would attract record breaking entries and a huge spectator turnout, deliver lots of new ATVA memberships, spread the series some what away from TN, deliver quality amateur contingency and provide the pro class racer’s with a respectable $10, 000 purse. Our Southwick GNC stayed on the board for hours during the annual promoters meeting with much discussion as to what should be done. We feel that we should be going to that facility in 2001, but respect the decision of the AMA. What is meant to be will be. We still have many new options now made available in delivering quality ATV racing events to the rest of the world.
As personally upset as we are with the AMA’s decisions, we still value them as our sanctioning body in a big way. Membership dollars from ATV racing alone is actually only a small portion of the money collected for the big headquarters and the money needed to run the organization. The majority of ATV riders (rec riders and utility owners) aren’t the slightest bit interested in becoming a part of a motorcycle organization (AMA). Thus, current membership dollars from ATVers alone are far less than most might think. Now that the ATVA is about to launch, the very same uninterested ATVers might think otherwise, since the membership package would cater directly to their needs. So we see some positive potential coming from the new ATVA.
Frankly we’re thrilled with all the attention the ATV Nationals are getting these days. In year’s past, not too many people and promoters were tested and put under the spotlight as they are now.
Change takes longer than some would like, but as far as we see things, with all the sincere, true, diehard ATV enthusiasts hell bent to make sure our sport is the best it can be – we simply can’t go wrong.
You said it best with “I do know there is no perfect race, all try hard, it’s just that some succeed when trying, some don’t”.
You best believe that if VP Gore gets elected as president and ride spots disappear faster than you can grab music from the net, we’ll all put extreme value in the AMA and ATVA because they will be spending big bucks and a ton of time to protect our right to ride. Vote Bush!
AMA Congress News. (Rule changes for the 2001 season)
Biggest news out of congress is the fourstroke displacement increase. All classes that allowed a 400cc thumper to compete will now allow a maximum of 440cc. No overbore allowed – the max will be 440cc. The reasoning behind this rule change is to allow the soon to be released Cannondale 440cc machine to compete in all classes where the 400EX does. This rule change brought a ton of controversy and hours of argument. Some say that those who have enough money to mount Yamaha’s potent YZ 426 motor into an aftermarket frame will have an unfair advantage over the two strokes (which max out at the current 265ccs). Others insist that the new Cannondale should have the same privilege that the 400EX got (being allowed in as many classes as possible). All the while, others are disappointed that we’ve drastically changed our rules to allow a quad to compete that probably wont even be released in time for the 2001 racing season. ATV Scene was on hand to take a phone call poll with 8 of the ATV industry aftermarket leaders. The outcome of our poll was exactly 50/50 on the decision.
The displacement on all Open classes has been increased to open displacement. This was mainly to allow the Yamaha Raptor to be legally raced. (The former class limit was 650cc).
A proposal from the AMA will be made to the Consumer Product Safety Commission to ask them to consider allowing 14 and 15-year-olds in a 91-200 modified class. As most of you know, legally anyone under the age of 16 can only race on a 90cc ATV. Most 14 and 15-year-old kids can’t even fit on these small quads. The negative to this proposal is that they just might be stirring something up at a bad time. Our 10-year consent decree has only recently expired and lately there have been numerous ATV related accidents and deaths, (cause is probably due to the fact that the manufacturers are currently experiencing record breaking sales). Currently they aren’t investigating us – if we ask them to consider the above proposal – we could very well step back into the watchful eye of the government. Isn’t it a shame that so many unaware people consider ATVs so damn dangerous that we need to walk softly on fly paper?
In the ATVA Grand Nationals, top ten pro riders from the year prior will automatically be seeded into the two-moto format in motocross. In other words they have earned the right not to have to race any preliminaries. The only requirement for these top ten pro class riders to be transferred directly to the two-moto main events is that they must sign up by 12 noon on the Saturday of the event. All 6 rounds of the motocross portion of the GNCs will change pro motos to Sunday at 12 noon and 3pm. All 12 rounds of the GNC total points will be counted toward the pro level rider’s overall points. Pro-Am riders will count their best 10 finished for year-end total points, while Amateur and Youth riders will count 9 events.
Last year’s non-national ‘C’ classes have been elected to become GNC National classes for 2001. The added classes are: 250 C (91-265cc), Fourstroke C (91-440cc) and Open C (251-open)
The 91-200cc Aircooled/300cc Fourstroke class will only allow machines that are air-cooled for 2001. Meaning that a sneaky riders can’t wedge Yamaha’s YZ250 dirtbike motor into an aftermarket frame in order to spank on the competition.
Blue numberplates are reserved for one and only one class in the GNC series – The Pro Class.
Speaking of numberplate issues, all classes will now need to have front bumper number plates in order to race in a GNC event.
The Short Track National Championships will return to a one race championship event, which will be July 20, 2001 at Wayne County Speedway in Orrville, OH.
2001 GNC Schedule
Whether you like it or not – here is the official 2001 ATVA Maxxis Tire Grand National Championship schedule:
Round 1 MX
March 17-18
Georgia Promoters Group,
6871 Bay Point Dr.
Macon, GA 31220,
(478) 476-8758
Location: Macon, GA (Paradise Off Road Park)
Round 2 MX
March 31-April 1
Daniel Boone MX Park
775 Falls City Rd.
London, KY 40743
(606) 877-1364
Location: London, KY
Round 3 TT
April 21-22
River Bottom Promotions
6224 Kentucky Rd.
Ringgold, VA 24586
(804) 822-8322
Location: Danville, VA
Round 4 MX
May 5-6
Victory Sports Inc.
313 Maple Ln.
Blountville, TN 37617
(423) 323-5497
Location: Blountville, TN
Round 5 MX
May 19-20
Red Bud Competition Club
13638 N Red Bud Trail
Buchanan, MI 49107-9131
(616) 695-6405
Location: Buchanan, MI
Round 6 TT
June 2-3
Georgia Promoters Group
6871 Bay Point Dr.
Macon, GA 31220
(478) 476-8758
Location: Macon, GA (Paradise Off Road Park)
Round 7 MX
June 23-24
Racer Productions
166 Harner Run
Morgantown, WV 26508
(304) 284-0084
Location: Mt. Morris, PA
Round 8 TT
July 7-8
Challenger Raceway
12554 Highway 286 W
Clarksburg, PA 15725
(724) 726-5494 or chalngr@hotmail.com
Location: Jacksonville, PA
Round 9 TT (Short Track National Championship Friday Night!)
July 21-22
Fast Track Promotions
6532 Highland Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44143
(440) 461-4858 or info@atvscene.com
Location: Orrville, OH
Round 10 TT
Fischer Cycle
P.O. Box 1753
Ashtabula, OH 44005
(440) 997-4166
Location: Ashtabula, OH
Round 11 MX
August 18-19
Racer Productions
166 Harner Run
Morgantown, WV 26508
(304) 284-0084
Location: Hurricane Mills, TN
Round 12 TT
September 1-2
Victory Sports
313 Maple Ln.
Blountville, TN 37617
(423) 323-5497
Location: Greenville, TN
2001 Pro Quad Championship Series Schedule
SFX Motor Sports Group (formally Pace Motorsports) presents the 2001 Pro Quad Championship Series sanctioned by Formula USA. The series will take place at the following six cities and venues:
Dec 30, 2000 — St. Louis, MO — TWA Dome
Jan 6, 2001 — Pontiac, MI — Silverdome
Jan13, 2001 — Atlanta, GA — Georgia Dome
Jan20, 2001 — Indianapolis, IN — RCA Dome
Jan 27, 2001 — Anaheim, CA — Edison International Field
Feb 3, 2001 — San Diego, CA — QualComm Stadium
The series will be incorporated into the highly popular WRENCHEAD.COM Monster Jam events. The daily schedule is yet to be finalized, but will include practice and qualifying heats throughout the day, while the main events will be featured within the actual live Monster Jam event.
The Pro Quad Championship Series is comprised of only one racing class, essentially an Open Pro/Am class which includes expert riders (both Professional and Amateur A level).
In case you didn’t know Formula USA sanctions several forms of motorcycle racing, including this year’s THQ US Open, the world’s richest motorcycle race held in Las Vegas, two road race series’, the WRENCHEAD.COM National Road Race Series and the Championship Cup Series, in addition to the National Arenacross Series and the WRENCHEAD.COM National Dirt Track Series.
For more information regarding the series check out their website at www.formulausa.com and click on the Pro Quad segment or email webmaster@proquads.com.
Surf’s Up!
Here’s a new feature that we’ll have available on every issue of ‘On the Fast-Trak. Half the fun of being on the Internet is cruising around and checking other websites. Unlike some online magazines, we’re not afraid to send you off surfing – we’re sure you’ll be back in the ATV Scene anyway. So here’s what we’ve found out in cyberworld:
This is website for all you west coast ATV racers to check out. www.socalquadracing.com
No worries mate! We just got word from the 12 Hours of Ponte de Vaux folks that their site is now in English. Check it out at www.pdvracing.com
The American Motorcyclist Association has just named Robert Rasor as their new AMA president. Scott Thorton didn’t even last a year. More info on all that here: http://www.amadirectlink.com/releases/a00063.html
This from the Salt Lake City Tribune. It’s an ATV Debate. The article is called, Common Ground Is Hard to Find http://www.sltrib.com:80/10282000/utah/37424.htm
More news on land closures. This from the Associated Press: Green activists seek teeth in roadless plan http://www.oregonlive.com:80/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/news/oregonian/00/10/nw_11forst29.frame
The new ATVA seeks a leader
The powers that be at the AMA have finalized a three-year plan to catapult the new ATV only sanctioning body into success. First objective of the plan is to find a president! If you feel so inclined for the job (or know someone that might), send your resume to the AMA Attn: ATVA Leadership at 1351 S Yarmouth Dr. Pickerington, OH 43147. You might include a brief statement of what you feel you can do to attract ATV owners into signing up as ATVA members.
Huevos 3 Video Premiere
These pictures were all taken from the party of all parties – Wes Miller’s Huevos 3 Video Premier at the Galaxy Theater in Santa Ana, CA. Two thousand extremists in attendance, the hippest of dope fashion, sexy stylin’ SoCal girlies, many of the top names in ATV racing, industry guru giants groovin’ right along with mosh pit punker junkies to the beat of SX-10 and Guttermouth, and plenty of food and beverages – Wes delivered it all! We should probably say something about the actual video, right? OK – from what we remembered, Huevos 3 was cooler than Serm having a pleasant conversation with a Kentucky Highway Patrol Officer (let us tell you — that’s pretty damn cool!). The video gets an A+ from us. Bitchin’ cool camera angles, never before seen tricks and crashes, beautiful women, funny skits – including Dana Creech in a Mexican jail dreaming of beautiful trophy girls and plenty of excitement from all phases of ATVing. The new video is available now click here for the scoop on where to get it: www.h-bombfilms.com

A waiter at the Marikesh Restaurant serves up some bread to some of the lovely ladies in the Huevos group. The Marikesh started off all the fun, as it was the hot spot for all the video VIPs to chill out for an evening of no rules eat with your hands Moroccan grub.

Dana “Huevos” Creech was kind enough to find a place for Jennifer and Alice to sit while commuting in the Huevos party bus.

Oh Yeah – Life goes on – long after the trill of living is gone – they rock on! DG’s Jack Edwards and girlfriend Diane, (John Cougar Melloncamp not present).

Dana “pimp da ho”Creech signs autographs. A testament to Creechman’s love of the sport — Dana makes a ton of money with his pimpin’ talent in the streets of LA, but gives it all up during the summer’s racing season. We admire his sacrifices.
The Bomb is Dropped!
For more on all the recent Huevos hoopla, check out mom Creech’s article at ATV Source. Click here for a direct link: http://atvsource.com/articles/articles/102700_huevos_3_premiere.htm
Yamaha Raptors at Glamis
The new beast has made its way into the dunning scene, and it’s given quite a scare to most competitors. We got our hands on one and tested it to the limits. All in all, we were amazed at its ability to tear up Competition and Oldsmobile Hill. We consistently bettered Banshees, R’s Bombardiers and 400EX without even trying! No lie, this quad is seriously awesome! Even with its tall gearing (we shifted to only second on those massive hills) and fading clutch problems (we should admit we tortured the poor animal for three long days), we were able to turn heads all day long. With some minor modification, the Raptor is sure to be in the scene for quite some time for all sorts of ATV racing and ordinary fun.
Trinity Racing’s new stuff
Check out this brand new Trinity creation. It’s an inline water cooler complete with a thermostat. Harry tells us that water flows cooler inside the honey combed device because it travels through several different holes. The thermostat closes when engine temperature is cool, as in sitting for a while at the dunes than firing up for a run up the hill. No exact price on the cooler just yet.
New Generation PEP Steering Dampner
This new steering stabilizer boasts state of the art technology. The unit is made from lightweight aluminum (the whole thing only weights a half pound!). The system features a floating piston with an adjustable internal reservoir. And it’s fully revalvable! Retail cost is $139.95. It’s about to be available just about everywhere, but if you need it fast you might call PEP direct at (909) 590-4111.
Farr Dominates at Fox Raceway
story by Julie LeMay
Last month PA’s Fox Raceway hosted a two day two thousand dollar motocross race. On Saturday torrential downpours fell right before and during the race. It was awful. So bad that Raymond, Ohio’s Ben Jackson decided not to even race. North Canton, Ohio’s Tim Farr got 3rd out of the start and watched the leaders (Buddy Joe and John Bartosek) stall their bikes in a huge water hole. Meanwhile Salem, Wisconsin’s Doug Gust got in a first corner tangle and could never recover. Farr went on to take the win. John Bartosek finished second followed by Rich Phillips.
They decided to call it on the first moto finishes because of the rain.
Sunday’s racing was much better. The track actually took the rain in well and was in great condition. In the first moto, Farr holeshot with Jackson in tow. Tim and Benny rode bumper to bumper the entire moto. Gust battled with Bartosek for a while for third and then lost his silencer once he got around him. Tim went on to take the moto win with Benny right on his heels.
In Sunday’s second moto Farr was once again up front with Jackson tagging in second and
Gust a close third. Tim and Benny pulled out a bit of a lead for the first half of the moto and then Gust caught Jackson and was able to make a pass. Doug then pressured Tim a bit for the win, but couldn’t find a place to get close enough to pass. Tim took moto 1,2 and overall win. Along with Saturday’s win money he cashed out with perfect scores.
Making The Scene
1999 Canadian National Champion, Jasmine Plante dominated at this year’s Montreal SX stadium race, The Banshee mounted Canadian used his home turf to blow the doors 40 other ATV pilots, including some pretty fast Americans. One of them, none other than National Champion Travis Spader.
Montreal SX top five:
1. Jasmine Plante
2. Travis Spader
3. Jimmy Elza
4. David Diver
5. Rock Chantingny
Wayne Hinson and the Hinson Racing crew at the annual “Guy’s Ride in Glamis, CA.
Check out the two flags on Wayne’s Raptor. The lower checkered one is a recent act of unity by fellow responsible dunners. We saw tons of these flags — In fact more of these than of the squids without helmets riding irresponsible. (FYI — Wayne was not ridding without a helmet he was sitting on the quad having a conversation with us). Unfortunately 1/3 of the Glamis Dunes have just recently been officially CLOSED. Reason? They (Environmentalists – whom have a ton of powerful backing from some yuppies with nothing better to do) think there might be an endangered plant (read: desert weed) that might be growing somewhere in the Imperial Sand Dunes. This kind of ride spot closure will only the beginning if Vice President Gore is elected as our new president. If you value your right to ride – Vote Bush and become a member of the ATVA to help fight insane land closures like this.
Jim Naccarrato of Nac’s Racing
Big Nac is fired up on making sure ATV racing goes big for 2001 and beyond. He was recently on hand to represent the NATVMG (National ATV Motorsports Group) at the ATV Promoters meeting in Pickerington, OH. He commented on how he was impressed with how the orders of operation were conducted at the AMA (ATVA) meeting. However, he was very upset with the outcome of the 2001 GNC schedule. The group he represents is a twelve-member powerhouse of ATV industry movers and shakers. The group consists of Mark Baldwin (Baldwin Motorsports), Tom Carlson (TC Racing), Gary Denton (Denton Racing), Loren Duncan (Duncan Racing), Wayne Hinson (Hinson Racing), Ray Howard (Hollywood Racing), Mark Laeger (Laeger’s), Arlen Lehman (LRD Performance), Wayne Mooradian (PEP), Chuck Moores (Professional Racing Concepts) and Curtis Sparks (Sparks Racing). The group’s specific interest is in National ATV competition. The newly founded group’s statement is to promote enjoyment and interest in ATV ownership, racing and competition, and to bring national awareness to ATV motorsports. Their statement goes on to say, at all time it shall be an organizational objective to promote and present a better image of ATVs to the general public, engaging in such activities and producing marketing materials as will achieve this purpose. What are they doing to better ATV racing? Currently the group is on a quest to make ATV competition a marketable sport. How? They’re developing videos and marketing materials to attract corporate sponsorship. They have some interesting plans on attracting more spectators to the races by offering free advertising and providing stock video footage to area sports bars and news channels. Interestingly enough the twelve man powerhouse insures additional ATV television coverage for the upcoming season. They also plan to join forces in common ground advertising within and outside the industry media. Their common goals are to pay attention to the wishes of the riders who attend the ATVA Grand National Championships and make sure changes are made to better the sport. Impressive plans are in the works to offer all amateurs who finish in the top 1-10 places in each round of the GNCs handy little NATVMG certificates! These gift certificates would be as good as money at any of the above 12 hop-up shops. Looks like Big Nac and the NATVMG are definitely doing their homework! We commend them on their quest to better the sport of ATV racing!
Wes Miller
Together Wes and his Mr. Huevos the third make the scene. Wes delivered yet another video that will catapult ATV racing’s exposure. Wes and his H-Bomb videos are getting into the hands of some high up people. Would be — ATV ignorant people are now able to see just what ATV superstars are capable of doing, and with that – our sport is opening up to a whole new level.
Baja 2000
In case you thought of Wes Miller only on the focusing part of the camera – think different. We watched some vintage ATV racing videos at his place and discovered that Wes has had quite an impressive long career as an ATV racer — and still does. He’s currently putting together the dream team of ATV racing for the upcoming Baja 2000. The team will take on the Baja in this order:
Harold Goodman – 192 mi., Tim Farr – 232 mi., Shane Hitt – 174 mi., Greg Little 200 mi., Wes Miller 254 mi., Brad Goodfellow – 254 mi., Keith Little – 221 mi., and at the anchor position is Doug Gust – 208 mi. Wes’ Baja dream team is under title sponsor backing from Nac’s Racing and Division 4.com. The team will race a Curtis Sparks/PEP Yamaha Raptor. With 3 national champions and an array of big time talent on the team, by far this will be the favored team in winning the race, but there are a few other impressive teams getting prepared. The Duncan Racing/ Roll Design/ Golden West team lead by Doug Eichner and Doug Roll should not be taken lightly and either should the Dean Sundahl Sundahl Racing entry – after all King Dean is the legendary hands down king of desert racing. We wish all the entries the best of luck. Be careful guys! Click the logo link for more info on the biggest baddest desert race ever!
Mike Penland to race Baja 2000 on a utility quad.
Mike and brother Morris and two other riders plan to attack the 2000 miles of Baja. As you read this the Pendland boys are busy getting their Kawasaki Utility ATV ready for the big hurt. They are currently camped out at Ricky Stator’s house getting all their equipment and lighting needs handled. GOOD LUCK! And Rock On Bro!
Bill Lanphier
Bill “WBGO” Lanphier was doing some freelance journalism for ATV Sport at the Glamis Sand Dunes. He was also putting together a possible piece on the new Yamaha Raptor that will be in the pages of Playboy! Bill can dune ride with the best of the best. He’s seen here bustin’ loose with some massive air on his CT 330R. Regardless of Bill’s color choice, the quad is really a Honda – honest.
We have inside info from a reputable source that tells us of a soon to be released Suzuki Quad Sport 400. The new quad features a 400cc liquid cooled fourstroke motor combined with what is said to be a great handling chassis. Our source says that the quad is being tested as you’re reading this! It’s said that the new Suzuki is much more than the test rider expected. Looks like the race is on to catch Yamaha’s Raptor!
Honda just held their annual dealer meeting in Las Vegas, NV. Pictured here is their newest off road equipment. Their new Jet Ski looks pretty cool – we’re hoping they’ll deliver the ATV market with something as equally technically impressive soon as well. The pictured Honda 250 EX is a great addition to the line up and believe us we commend Honda for offering new comers, wives and girlfriends with a sporty low priced quad, but we would have loved to see something racier and ‘2000ish from Honda at the recent meeting. With all that the competition has going on, it’s only a matter of time for the long time ATV performance leader to transfer the big dog from the drawing board and into the scene.
PSI Genesis 425R
While at the Glamis dunes we spotted a PCI 425 powered R. The brand new Aren’s frame paired with the buffed out polished aluminum PSI Genesis motor and black plastic looked California Bitchin’! The quad motored pretty good, but still needs some tinkering, as it got roosted up Oldsmobile Hill by a sharp running Hinson Racing 250R. It was reported that the motor was only in testing stages and that the jetting was off. We’ve got one wedged in a TT chassis and we’ll get the low down on how it works in a full blown evaluation on the big bore monster very soon.