Guetter Brothers Update
- Updated: November 16, 2010

By Derek Guetter
Hey everyone, heres an update for you all! If you want any more info or want to use this in a publication please let me know! gracias amigo’s!
2010 has been insane! I started the Nuclear Cowboyz tour in the beginning of the year, and let me tell you it was the biggest most incredible thing I’ve ever been apart of. Three months into the tour I under rotated a backflip and broke my ankle pretty seriously, spent the next 5 months recovering, slowly but surely getting my confidence back, and now, I’m FINALLY landing backflips to dirt once again! Pretty significant series of events has made this year anything but ordinary.
In September Jon and myself traveled to Manchester England for a Freestyle Mania show, put on by Feld Entertainment. It has been a few years since I’ve been to England so I was pretty excited. Everything went well for what we had to work with, the take-off ramp we were using was way steeper than what we are accustomed to, Jon actually over rotated his backflip but luckily was ok. He just did a little butt slide down the landing, no big deal. Ha.
In October we spent a fair amount of time in Montana performing four shows all across the state, and Jon just finished a Canadian tour. I was mostly consumed with helping my Father with Harvest, and had a few chances to get some backflips into the foam pit as well. Time sure flies by when you are busy, October came and gone in a flash!
Here’s where I start to stress..
So this past week I finally did the big dirty and landed a few backflips to dirt again. Man it sucks going threw those first initial flips again. Physically it’s a pretty simple maneuver to perform; emotionally it’s the fastest way to turn your hair grey. I had booked a show to backflip inside the Metrodome in Minneapolis Nov 13, and there I was Nov 8 and I haven’t landed a backflip in over 8 months. Talk about a bit of pressure! Good news is I survived the week, flips were feeling great, and Jon and myself killed the show doing backflips side by side! We flew in my oldest brother Dan to shoot photos and we got some great shots, even strapped a Go-Pro video camera on my front bumper, looks amazing!! We have 1 shot of Jon and myself upside down at the exact same time, very good chance that you will see that in a magazine ad or blown up poster, it’s so ridiculously awesome! Feels great to finally get that confidence back that I’m a master back flipper, I cannot even begin to tell you how many nights I laid in bed terrified about messing up a flip and being sidelined again.
Jon and Jody are expecting their first baby girl this week! Mila is days away from coming into this world and Jody couldn’t be anymore anxious! Pretty excited to be an Uncle too!
Now I’m basically preparing for next year’s Nuclear Cowboyz tour. We are traveling to 11 major cities all across the US, and this year Brother Jon will be riding with me in Dallas and Pittsburgh, and Colten Moore will be joining the remaining 9. Last year we had just under 200,000 live spectators, and considering we are riding mostly in hockey arenas, that’s pretty impressive. Not to mention the segment I got on FUEL TV for the making of Nuclear Cowboyz, this next tour is only getting bigger and better! Jon is scheduled for another Masters of Dirt tour in Europe for February and March and eagerly awaiting those shows.
I want to give a HUGE shout out to everyone at Can-Am BRP, the support and people behind that company are hands down the best in the business! Looking forward to another great year showing the world what we can do with the DS450! Thank you Heather at Maxxis, Jason at BCS performance, Daryl and Jennifer Rath at Rath Racing, Lance and Heather from HMF performance for these awesome exhausts, Wayne the king from PEP suspension, Justin at G4 graphics, Mark and Carey and Warnert Racing for hooking up a Can-Am Outlander Xxc this past weekend for the Metrodome event, and Todd at Fox Racing for getting me into their sweet new gear! So incredibly stoked with the people behind us, they make my job easy as pie to do what we need to do, so I wanted to say a big THANKS to all of you.
Last but not least I want to thank my Fiancé Larissa for keeping me focused when I’ve been everything but calm and relaxed during the entire backflip process once again. And yes you read correctly, I am engaged!! We are very excited for what the future may bring and she has been a huge part of my life and my riding the last few years, I cannot thank her enough for going threw this with me!
Look out for the Guetter’s in 2011, we are up to big things!
Go-Pro footage from our flips inside the Metrodome!
November 26, 2010 at 10:41 am
SICK !!!!