Huevos 4 Video Premier
- Updated: October 20, 2001

What were you thinking? You should have been at H-Bomb Films’ Huevos 4 video premier party, especially with flights at the buck-fifty mark. Not to worry, we’ll fill you in the best we can in this photo enhanced highlight, but next year – be sure to check it out for yourself.
My personal favorite part of the video was the feature on the Argentina Beach Race. This was Jorge Santamarina’s day in the sun, as he won the pro class by finishing ahead of Joe “Big” Byrd and “Digger” Doug Gust. As a race promoter this portion of the video gave me chills. H-Bomb’s Wes Miller bravely balanced out of a speeding helicopter and captured the fleet of over a hundred ATV racers charging hard through the 300 foot wide 3 mile track complete with picture perfect jumps and natural sand whoops.

“Ironman” John Natalie gets interviewed for an upcoming High Octane television show.

Nick Nelson distributes road treats to thirsty bus travelers.

photo by: John Howell. H-Bomb Films’ Wes Miller watches the video premier from his loge box while underage Derek (Dana Creech’s new mechanic) enjoys some nice refreshing fruit juice.
All the while, Miller captures the thousands and thousands of partying fans quickly roamed from point to point in herds of thousands at a time as not to miss one bit of the action. The images that Miller captured from this event showcased what an ordeal this beach race happening truly is. The post race trophy presentation scenes were top notch as well. I wish I knew who promoted this event, they definitely did their homework and deserve major props.
H-4 features a segment from Hawaii complete with returning Huevos stars Dana Creech, Tavis Cain and Sean Sermini. The extreme ATVing bunch visit Hawaii and ride with local ace Kelly “Steal Rod” Chang and his fellow island pals – Kevin Gardner & Chuck Voorhes. ATV riding and racing is going strong in Hawaii. The group rides throughout the beautiful countryside hucking huge jumps as they roam. In this portion of the video Kelly Chang goes a little too big on one of the monstrous jumps and brakes his leg after dismounting from his quad like a parashuter – it’s pretty gnarly. Doctors suited him up with a steal rod in his leg. He’s now pretty popular at airport inspections. In fact, Chang had to shake several undercover FBI airport agents off his trail to make it to the premier party.

photo by: John Howell. Wes and his proud parents.

photo by: John Howell. Kelli Peters (left) and Brandy Martin definitely turned a few heads.
Just about every form of extreme ATVing is masterfully showcased in H-4, there’s even some wild 4×4 action that defines the term “all-terrain-vehicle” perfectly. From high flyin’ extreme aerial madness in sun drenched summer to shivering cold ice racing highlights from Daryl Rath’s neck of the woods in Minnesota during the winter, — Huevos 4 delivers! Speaking of woods, the GNCCs aren’t left out at all.
There’s some cool scenes of what it’s like to charge through the woods as fast as Bill Ballance did this year on his quest for the 2001 title. Man those trees come up fast! Miller showcases the GNCC stars as well as the GNC stars throughout the video – giving the riders the credit they so deserve. The video, which is shot in nothing but the best 16mm film, features several adrenaline pumping hard-core metal soundtracks from up and coming bands.

Some typical busty blond girl from Costa Mesa CA pulled up and gave H-Bomb Films a few cases of this new energy drink. It went over pretty well at the 2 AM mark.
True Huevos fans will recall Crazytown’s Butterfly appearing on Huevos 3 before the band and the tune made it big. Perhaps the same might happen here. Even the box cover to the video, featuring Tavis Cain doing a fully extended no-footed scissors can-can or something of that sort is way cool. Tavis might think up a name for this beauty. He gets more extension on his patented trick than a 14 year old ballerina. Maybe the Cain-Cain? And of course it goes without mention that there are also plenty of beautiful women to make sure you never look away from the action. The premier party also delivered! Miller treated special VIP guests to a fully stocked bus that cruised the So Cal scene for about 12 hours of non stop action packed, hi-volume excitement. The bus made arriving in style an understatement.

Left to right: Kelly Chang Kevin Gardner & Chuck Voorhes dressed in Hawaii attire.

photo by: John Howell H-Bomb’s Wes Miller explains it all, while Fox Sports Net’s High Octane rolls tape.
RIP — Mark Tschida
Wes Miller and his H-Bomb Films company would like to give his deepest condolences to the family and friends of Mark Tschida, who recently died in a car accident.
Mark was driving to school when a dump truck pulled out in front of him. Mark was a 17 year old senior at Pierz Healy High School in Pierz, MN.
“He was a really nice kid. He came to one of our shoots and was totally into quad freestyle. It’s a shame he’s gone. God must have needed an ATV rider”, said Miller.
Mark’s parents want to try to help grow the quad freestyle scene in honor of their son’s name.