Jeff Stoess 11-29-04
- Updated: November 29, 2004

You may know that Jeff Stoess is the owner of The QuadShop. Some might even know that he goes by the nickname – Pappa Fro, but do you know this?
ATV Scene: What is in your CD Player right now?
Stoess: (laughing) ‘80’s mix
ATV Scene: What do you drive?
Stoess: F350
ATV Scene: Did you vote?
Stoess: Yes.
ATV Scene: Grocery food you cannot live without?
Stoess: Chips and Salsa
ATV Scene: Dream Job?
Stoess: I guess I have it – The Quadshop Owner
ATV Scene: One habit you do EVERYDAY?
Stoess: I eat cookies and milk every night.
ATV Scene: Restaurant that you eat at all the time?
Stoess: Outback
ATV Scene: Beef or Chicken?
Stoess: Chicken
ATV Scene: Any other toys besides the quad?
Stoess: Mountain bike.
ATV Scene: One person you would like or enjoy beating?
Stoess: Johnny C (that is right!)
ATV Scene: Blondes or Brunettes?
Stoess: Blondes
ATV Scene: In the air or on all fours?
Stoess: On all fours.
ATV Scene: Married or Single?
Stoess: Married with a supportive wife and beautiful girls.
ATV Scene: Rain or Shine?
Stoess: Rain
ATV Scene: Height?
Stoess: 6’1”
ATV Scene: Shoe Size?
Stoess: 11
ATV Scene: Favorite Movie?
Stoess: Rambo
ATV Scene: Favorite Magazine?
Stoess: ATV Sport
ATV Scene: Training that works best for you?
Stoess: Riding