Jerry Hebel 8-19-08
- Updated: August 19, 2008

The ATVA added London, Kentucky’s Daniel Boone MX to their GNC Series schedule in 1995. After the 2005 ATV National the ATVA Promoter’s Group decided to replace the Daniel Boone 2006 GNC with another venue, but thanks to WPSA a Daniel Boone National ATV event continued nonetheless. Over the years many riders have considered their trip to Daniel Boone MX as their favorite stop on whichever series they competed in. It’s no wonder ATV enthusiasts have fallen in love with Daniel Boone MX. The facility features one of the most spectator friendly venues in ATV racing history not to mention a challenging course that utilizes plenty of elevation changes with ATV friendly jumps and obstacles.
Regardless as to whether you’re a spectator or racer; if you’ve ever met the man behind Daniel Boone MX you will probably agree with us when we say he’s one of the good guys in the booming ATV industry. The words honest, hard working and unselfish immediately come to mind.
For the first time in thirteen years Jerry’s Daniel Boone MX will not be on any ATV National Schedule. With this said we thought we would get the scoop straight from Jerry himself…
No WPSA event this year? Are you serious? Why not?

Without a doubt, Daniel Boone MX in London, KY is certainly one of the most beautiful motocross tracks in the country.
That’s right no WPSA ATV Tour Event this year at DBMX because mostly it’s parking. Rick Murphy and WPSA feel that we need to have some parking improvements here. And after thinking about it; I will agree with them that there are more things needed to take this place to the next level. When I started DBMX in 1991 there was nothing here but the mountains. In May 1992 we held our first race. The process in building the track is not too hard but the process in building roads, parking lots, city water, electric, widening the county road, which was an 1800’s wagon train road into the Daniel Boone National Forest; all this has been financially stressful with long hard hours. Costs that normal people don’t see because it’s in the mountains and not flat land! With the growth of the sport we now see huge factory and aftermarket semi trucks, more amateurs with much bigger rigs and more spectators. It’s awesome growth but there needs to be more parking at DBMX and some other improvements as well. It’s not like you can just rent the farmer’s field next door if there is no flat land to rent. So the benefit of having a very unique race course that can’t be duplicated is awesome but it also has disadvantages. Now if money was not an object, it would be different but the lottery numbers I prayed for; didn’t come in!

Jerry and his Daniel Boone MX facility rose to the occasion and shined when WPSA chose to use it as round one of their inaugural ATV Powersports Tour in 2006.
Since we’re on the subject, why did you lose your ATVA national?
Well that is another story; but in reality it wasn’t my ATV National in the first place. In 1994 Sam Gammon asked me if I would be willing to host the event. He said if he could get it on the schedule we would be partners. He didn’t promise the event would be successful as there were big risks because in those days there was no guarantee of making a profit. Since the factories were not present the rider numbers were not that great in those days. But the aftermarket companies and the die hard enthusiasts’ determination are what kept the ATV Nationals going in those days. Racers should never forget that! I guess the biggest issue for the GNC at DBMX was our parking problem. As a matter of fact, if they wouldn’t have taken it away then DBMX would not have been the first inaugural WPSA ATV TOUR in 2006 with two hours of ESPN2 coverage that went out to 70 million households. I think the inaugural WPSA event really put DBMX in the ATV History books. So in the scope of things in life, it all worked out just fine. I hold no hatred, no grudges and no evil intentions toward anyone on the GNC or WPSA series and my hope is they will be blessed. I also have high respect and hope that the WPSA Series will continue to be the premier ATV race series. Then the Pro’s will be more blessed and they can in turn bless us with even more mainstream quad racing.
You seemed to have made a lot of racers happy with your events and we’re pretty sure you attracted more spectators than any GNC or WPSA ATV motocross event in history. We’re still kind of shocked to hear this. So what are your plans now that you don’t have a big national ATV event to promote?
I have the place up for sale. It’s great investment property and has many different uses. My real estate agent is trying to sell it to a land developer. Personally I am hoping that there is someone out there that has the funds and willingness to take this place to the next level. I could only make this facility into a rough diamond so to speak, but someone else will be able to polish it. If and when a person steps in and polishes this place; you talk about an awesome one of a kind. Because so many riders like the track, I think WPSA ATV Tour will be happy to come back.
What else is in your future?
I will still be holding practice at the track and I have two Bluegrass State Championship MX Series Races scheduled for 2008. I started the State MX Series in 2001 and it has grown to the biggest MX Series in the State for bikes and quads. Steve Hunter, who is a racer, took over the Series from me last year. Steve doesn’t own a track, but he has taken the State Series to the next level that it needed.

Jerry has recently put the 100 acre facility up for sale. The new owner could stumble into an outstanding deal. Besides being fan-friendly, rider-favorite and its great location, coal, mineral rights and natural gas can be found beneath the soil.
In case someone with some extra funds in their account is reading this, tell us more about what they’ll get if they buy the facility.
Everything, including my X wife! Just joking, it’s 100 acres with a mobile home, 4×4 Ford Tractor with a bucket, Saturday Night lights, a water system and an established well-liked motocross track, but the land even without the track is a great investment opportunity and at a very fair price I might add. There are some coal and mineral rights that will go with it. Usually where there is coal there is natural gas. They are drilling in the next two counties.
Would you stay on board as a consultant?
Absolutely, once DBMX is sold I will not just leave as I want to help the new owner to be successful in putting on races until they are comfortable on their own. I want to introduce them to our long term sponsors and the Local and State Governments who are totally behind DBMX.
Where can someone learn more about the opportunity?
I have more information on my website

Over the years Jerry’s events at DBMX have attracted more spectators than any other round of either the GNC or WPSA race series. Jerry tels us if the new owner builds additional parking the WPSA will bring its WPSA Powersports Tour back to DBMX.

Jerry’s Granddaughter has it made in America, but children overseas aren’t so lucky. In the future, Jerry wants to help those kids by giving them BMX bicycles and an opportunity to race them.
Tell us more about your desire to help children overseas.
Someday I hope to do part-time work at some overseas orphanages and would like to make BMX Racing available to them. There is no BMX in Ukraine. Orphan children are poor, abandoned and have a feeling of hopelessness. Many of these youngsters will someday wind up completely homeless and on the streets. If you ever go to places like that like I have you will see how horrible it is for them.
How will BMX Racing help them?
BMX is not very expensive so I should be able to get bicycles, riding gear etc without too much of a problem. This will make a huge difference for these kids. It will give them fun, excitement, goals, hope, competitiveness, the lessons of losing and winning and more. All this will help them learn to have and to show love. They’ll learn that it is better to do to others as you would like done to you.

Over the years many riders have clinched National Chamipionships at Daniel Boone MX. Pictured here is one of the more notable ones. After winning the first-ever production based championship in 2003, Doug Gust did it again and clinched the 2004 championsh
What other events have you promoted at Daniel Boone MX? And over the years which have been the most successful?
We’ve had many bike events here, BMX events, mountain bike events, poker runs, an ATV 6 Hours of America, ATV mud drags and ATV dirt drags. The most successful in my opinion is the ATV National and the WPSA ATV Tour.
It looks like for now Daniel Boone MX is now just a memory. So is there any memory that stands out for you over the years
There are lots of memories; most of them are good and wholesome! They all stick out as awesome in their own right. Boy we really had a lot of great races here. When the right person comes along the memory of the track will continue strong for many years. I really hope that someone will take DBMX to the next level as a great facility and awesome track. It truly is one of a kind and my prayers and hope is this will indeed happen.
Come on. You must have one memorable story to tell us after all these years.
One does comes to mind that is funny to me. I had Saturday Night Racing and the Freestyle Jump Off at half-time. We started at the water tank and go down into the rocket pocket and then they freestyle jump their way over the spectator tunnel jump. Three jumpers did their jump and had their sound meter readings from the crowd. Biker Joe who said he would be at the water tank for the start of the Jump-Off competition finally came flying out of a dark part of the Supercross-6 parking lot, into the rocket pocket, up the hill and proceeds to do a perfect pancake over the tunnel jump. But he has nothing on except a G-string, gloves, boots and a helmet. Needless to say he won the $200 bucks. The ladies were loud! When I walk up to the concession stand after the wild jump, the lady managing concessions starts screaming at me. “Jerry this is supposed to be a FAMILY Christian Race atmosphere” She was given me the business right there in public — quoting Bible verses and everything. Wow! I told her and I really didn’t know Joe was going to go for the gusto. He was “Gusto-Joe” from then on. We had to have a new jump-off rule. No G-strings! London’s own, Jimmy Elza got 2nd in the Jump-Off.

Here’s a few more noteworthy firsts… In 2006 DBMX was the first ATV National to feature a side bar beauty contest. It was a Miss Hawaiian Tropics Preliminary. Our Miss June 2006 Ashley Miller won. Also in 2006, WPSA took a gamble and introduced their so
What are your thoughts on the future of ATV Racing!
I think the future is looking great. The economy may slow for a while but people have to have their recreation or they’ll go nuts. That is why some people are nuts – no ATV recreation! This year there is no WPSA or GNC race on the same weekend and I think this will help the factories and the Pros to reach the next level. I for one really want to see the ATV Pros become just as known and important as the top bike guys. I think it will happen in time. With television and other media exposure across the country, I think we’ll see the spectators and rider base increase even more and this is good for the factories and aftermarket companies in that they’ll be able to pay salaries to the Pros and help the amateurs even more. I know from all the spectators who have witnessed the ATV races at DBMX, they are astonished, flabbergasted and extremely impressed with ATV racing. Once you can get a large group of NASCAR-type spectators to witness one of these events in person — Watch Out! I also have a hope that someday in the near future we will see our ATV Pros in the Summer X Games.
Well said. Any parting words Jerry?
I would like to thank the following people who have helped me over the years; I can’t remember them all right this second; so if I forgot to mention your name please forgive me! I am thankful to you all. First is the Lord God, My Parents, Brothers, Sister, Jeff and Kris Hebel, Mike Zurakowski, Martin Garland, Ron Hyatt, Wayne Moore, Tom Parke Wendell and Paul Elza, The London / Laurel Tourist Commission, The Laurel County Government, WPSA, Sam Gammon and Staff, Darrell Blakley, Ronald Reed, the Coombs Family, the Pros, the Amateurs, the Spectators, the Sponsors, Donny Banks, Mark Straubinger and a host of others. And last but not least, John Pellan, who has promoted and nurtured the sport for many years as well. I hope ATV Scene continues with its success and cutting edge new ideas. Thank you all for coming to Daniel Boone MX over the years! I hope I have helped you have great memories that you’ll cherish forever.