Kory Ellis 4-16-09
- Updated: April 16, 2009

Kory Ellis has been a fixture in the sport of ATV racing, especially in the Golden State. Seeing him at Glen Helen always brought that National-like-touch to the local So-Cal-scene.
California quad racing enthusiasts don’t seem to see him around as much since Kory is still attending all the ATV Nationals as the manager for Team Rockstar Makita Suzuki.
When Kory showed up at last week’s ITP QuadCross in Arizona wearing riding gear, we figured an interview was in order to find out what’s new with him and how he’s adapting to not racing for a living any longer. Or perhaps, was this the start of a comeback?
What have you been up to?
Working! LOL, I have been very busy with my day to day responsibilities at Yoshimura. It’s a lot of work getting everything ready for the AMA Pro ATV Series.
Here you are all geared up and ready to race. Can we call it a comeback?
I wouldn’t call it a comeback at all. I’m just enjoying my favorite sport. I’m going to try to addend all for the QuadCross races that don’t conflict with the GNCs, whether it be racing or just watching.
So you’re not trying to give Nelson a run for his money this year?
Yeah, my goal is to be able to win the pro class by 45 seconds by the next round. Just kidding! No, my days as racing as a pro are done. I do not have the time to commit to racing the pro class. I think I still have the speed, but the stamina is not there and there is no reason for me to go out there and do it if I can’t fully committed to it.
What class are you racing? How did you do?
I raced the +30 Expert class it’s the first time I have raced an ATV in a year. I had a good battle with Darrell Patton the second moto until his skirt got caught up in the chain and I checked out on him. I ended up wining both motos. It was a blast.
Are you supporting any sponsors now days?
Not really, but the ATV I raced was our test bike from the shop so I guess you can say the team sponsors me.
Are you training to stay in shape or just racing to have fun?
I have not trained since the middle of 2007 when I broke my foot. I really have not been riding other than once in a while until the past few weeks. I’m just out there for the fun of it, and I’m also doing some testing on some things for the team.
Do you find it hard to race when not riding all the time?
It’s very hard because I want to go out there and ride like I know I can but at that pace I can only last for a lap or two. In that one lap I feel really good, It’s frustrating when my arms are giving out after a lap and I want to keep going. But overall I’m having fun and happy to be out there.
So what is keeping Kory Ellis so busy that we don’t see you out and about very often?
Its just work and more work, I bought a 1972 Chevy pick up truck to restore last year thinking I would have time to mess with it because I would not be spending my time training and ridding, but work has taken all of that time up. It seems I’m still just as busy with the sport even though I’m not racing in it.
How are things with the team?
It’s going really well this year for the team. Wimmer has been on fire so far this season and Doug has had some issues but I think his luck is about to change, his speed is still there. We have been helping Chris Borich more this year also, and I think it has made a difference in his program. Along with that we have been getting Jeremiah Jones going as the track rep at the GNCs and some GNCCs for Yoshimura and Hinson Racing as well. It looks like it’s going to be a good thing for both him and us.
What’s better racing or supporting?
That’s a hard one because you get a different kind of satisfaction out of each. When you are a rider you’re the last in the line of people on the team. You either make the team a success or you disappoint everyone on the team. As a rider you suffer physically while trying to do your job. When you support someone or a team you try to give the rider everything that you possibly can so they can go out and do their job. I’m liking supporting people and a team more and more with every race, its more of a group effort and when your rider or team does good you are proud of every one that played a part in the success.
You’ve been a racer in the dark days of ATV racing, did you ever think we would see this kind of professionalism? And how’s Suzuki/Yoshimura treating you?
I knew the sport would finally get over that hump. As for my part on the team, I could not ask for more. It’s great to be a part of something like this. Everyone that has a part on this team is just like me, thrilled to be a part of it.
What’s your official title? And tell us how you got the gig again?
I’m the Yoshimura ATV brand Manager / Team Rockstar Makita Suzuki ATV team manager. The person that made it happen for me was Wayne Hinson. Without Wayne I would probably be working construction again. He has been a big part in my racing in the past and now in my career. When I first started racing the GNCs as a pro at 16 Wayne was there helping me with anything I needed. Over the years he has given me great advice on what I was doing wrong. In January of 2007 I called Wayne when I found out that Yamaha wouldn’t be able to continue my contract. I told him I was about to start flipping burgers so if he had any ideas to help me stay in the ATV industry, I was all ears. He got together with Brant Russell at Yoshimura and they came up with a job for me. I was hired to help out with anything ATV related at Yoshimura. This then grew into being the team manager by the next year and I couldn’t be happier.
What kind of responsibilities do you have there?
At Yoshimura I deal with the ATV pro riders, their contracts, help to develop new products for ATVs, give my input on anything ATV related and manage the ATV promotional budget. As far as the Rockstar Makita Suzuki race team, I deal with about 90% of the team contracts, order most of the parts, schedule testing days, make travel arrangements, carefully watch the budget and make sure things get done so the team is successful.
Sounds overwhelming…
It’s all part of the job. I guess if you didn’t enjoy what you do it would seem overwhelming.
It sounds like you’re still having a blast in this sport.
I really can’t think of anything else that I would rather be doing. I’m very thankful for Wayne and Brant for hooking me up with this dream job. I’m really lucky to have it.
So what’s next?
Win some more championship as a team manager, what else?
Are you going to make some time for that truck this year?
Yes I’m going to finish restoring it this year for sure. I need something to cruse around in on the weekends that I have off.