- Updated: October 21, 2001

By Mona DeShong
I was a bit hesitant on this particular idea – for a minute. And if by some far out chance I offend anyone I am apologizing ahead of time. But this is how I see it.
First, let me tell you where all of this is coming from. It was a cold rainy morning at the Motocross track. It looked as if there was no hope for sunshine. I was tuned into the radio (they broadcast announcements on their own frequency). Anyway, there I was with pen and paper in hand ready for the moto order. Holy %&#@! The quads will run the first two motos of 18 for the day! As the guys mosied back from the riders meeting, the sunshine began to fight through the clouds. That was the only bright point of the whole day. Everyone was in gear and ready to race, but the track was looking extremely nasty. It was made purely of mud and slop from the recent rain. There were some spots that were so muddy you could have easily lost a mini forever.
OK, enough, I’m sure that you can see where I am going with this. Anyway, the guys were lined up at the gate,- all of them. Looks like a last minute moto order change. No stagger, they are just going to run EVERYONE together? As they left the gate. they were just clearing the whoop section heading into a big downhill woods section. Slowly – no very slowly – they made their way up the hill, well most of them. Seems that we lost one of our guys. According to the 10 year old – well, maybe 12 – flag boy he was broke down on the track. He was at the bottom of the hill, which was not within viewing distance. OK 3, 4, 5 laps later and I’m starting to get a little upset. He was still down there. Now, moto 2 was lined up and ready to go. In this moto 2, more riders were claimed by whatever nastiness was at the bottom of the hill. Moto 3 is now lined up and ready to go. By this point I’m getting towards hysterical. And sadly I hate to admit, cussing out that poor little dude that the track officials claim is a flagman. By this time moto 4 is on the track. Now, I’m sure you can guess-I am fuming! I had to personally go and get someone from the med unit with a radio and inform them that there were riders down. They had no idea! Finally after the 4th moto was finished they sent a tow quad down to rescue the guys. One had a cooked motor, one with a cooked clutch, and one who was just plain stuck in the mud. But no one was hurt – so I calmed down. After I checked to make sure everyone was OK, I made my way to the track officials, and owners to see why this section of the track wasn’t either groomed or eliminated. And I’m sure that you will be amused at the answer. They were afraid the dozer would get stuck! Now it is VERY clear to me what was really going on here. (Brainstorm) lets use the quads to groom the track since we are unable to and hopefully it will be OK. Sorry fellas but that just doesn’t work for me. And believe me they all got an earful from me. And at the same track later in the season in the same condition that particular section was easily bypassed. Go figure.
One more quickie. Another local track. We were there bright and (too) early – eww 7:30 am. We work our way into registration and we were very viciously informed – no quads today? It just happened to be a qualifying weekend for the two wheel bikes, no series point race. After some extensive bitching, moaning and complaining and an oh-so-nutritious breakfast consisting of chocolate donuts and Rolling Rock – to wash ’em down, we left. Granted, they were nice enough to refund our money at the gate, and a “Sorry man you must have slipped past me.” We got right in line with the convoy of quads on their way out to the main road. Next time guys – please post it!
These and many other experiences, that I will spare you the bore of, really lit a fire under my butt and I was full of determination to put this together. Disgusted I began researching. I spent hours online sending out hundreds of e-mails to anyone and everyone that I could get my hands on. Tracks, district reps, riders – you name it they heard from me. A few replied, but most did not. Don’t get me wrong, in my internet travels I did find a few (can count ’em on one hand) tracks that faithfully placed quad motos consistently in the first 7 motos. But on the other hand – I was really appalled to find how many tracks didn’t even have quad events at all!! We need to do something about that too, that is if we want to see this sport grow.
Well, enough bitching and complaining, well almost. I have one last thing that I want to say. Look – we pay just as much as everyone else to get into the tracks, register, and to the local districts and the AMA for cards, so what’s up? Come on, we are out here to race and we put all of our heart, blood and sweat into it just like all the other racers do. So is there at all, a slight, maybe a minute possibility that we can get some recognition, some respect? I’m not asking for the whole race format to be changed, just be fair. Don’t use us to maintain the track on bad days and stick us at the end on nice days. Please, let me ask you, how is this sport ever going to accelerate if we can’t ever get a little recognition from the local districts?
Do you guys have any stories relating to “Quads Last Place”? I would love to hear them. While I’m asking for your input, has anyone out there been faithfully taping the GNCC races on Fox Sports Net, please let me know because I have a few readers interested in getting the footage of all the events. And what do you think of the new running order of the GNCC quad racing?
CONGRATULATIONS! To James Starcher and family on the arrival of their baby boy Nicholas on July 26th. James races in the GNC Junior Division.
E me anytime!
Be sure to check out my latest shared interview on rider support.
Here’s a few of my recent E mails:
Although I’m a GNC guy I really enjoyed you cross country coverage. It’s great for our sport to have intelligent and attractive women involved in getting the word out. Just wanted to say good job and don’t ever start to report on parties and rock concerts like Cindy did that’s not why people check out the web site. We want to see race results, race photos, and hopefully some day some testing on a new “factory” race quad!
Thanks for helping our sport.
Just to let you know – I am very much interested in GNC as well! Actually, I am into all kinds of racing. And thank you for the nice comments, they are very much appreciated. I will see what I can do to fulfill all of your expectations. And BTW – I am willing to help in any way I can.
I really enjoyed your column on sponsor support in ATV racing. It was cool that you interviewed racers and some companies. I would love to see a forum or somewhere to express feelings towards this subject. I race District 16 MX on a TRX250R and can’t describe the differences between bikes and quads. We don’t get much credit and we are basically used to groom the track for the bikes. Quad racing is getting very popular here! One thing I would like to comment on concerning rider support by sponsors. Being an amateur is 100% different than being a pro. It is impossible to get any big name sponsors to help with anything. This sport will never get better without support to all levels of riders. How can a person with no money but a desire to race even attempt to race with no help? I think all levels of the sport should be rewarded with money, parts, or whatever rather than just the pros!
Good luck!
#89 district 16 quad 2-stroke B
Thanks for your interest. I, and probably all of the readers, agree with your comments 110%. As a matter of fact, you took the words right out of my mouth! Well, if you and I keep trying and all of the others keep trying as well, maybe we can make a change! For starters read my latest shared interview on rider support.
Take care and Good Luck
Hey Mona,
Great story, I race in the junior division (#339). I was at Mathews Farm. I feel that you did a really good story, very descriptive, and if someone wasn’t there, you painted the ultimate picture – good job. I have one question. Everyone is always talking about and reporting on the big name guys, how about sometime going through and picking a regular guy to do a story on. Yeah we may not as exciting or fast but without us, the sport would probably fade away. We pay our dues too, like I said we aren’t as fast or exciting, but we are out there. Just a thought from a regular racer, keep up the good work and know that you have a regular reader of your column. Thanks for your time.
James Starcher
P.S. I run a blue banshee with orange and blue Yamaha of Troy outfit…you know….in case you want to meet and interview me.
Thank you very much for your interest. I appreciate the kind words :) And I want to let you know that you have a great idea! I am laid up with a knee injury right now but I am hoping to be better for the next big GNCC race, and it looks like I am going to use that great idea of yours. And you are absolutely right. The support riders are just as important as the pro riders and you guys deserve a chance in the spotlight as well. And I will do what I can to make it happen. Look for the next column because it will be devoted to guys just like you and mistreatment of quads in the motocross scene. Thanks again!
Hey Mona – you are really hott. Do you have any nude pics of you? Or some pics of you in a bikini or a thong? If so send me some please.
Guys – Here is the deal. I REALLY appreciate all of the wonderful comments that you give me. But please…What you see is what you get. I have no nude pics, and even if I did I don’t think that I would be posting them on an ATV website. Actually, I don’t think I would post them anywhere. So please, keep it in your pants buddy.
I recently saw your picture on ATV Scene and I was wondering if I may get a picture or any posters of you on a 4 wheeler or the one at the dealers ship. My son sure liked the pictures and we would like to obtain there to put up in his room and surprise him. We would like to get a large one to put up. Please let me know.
Thanks a Bunch.
Rich :
Thanks for checking me out. And I am really glad that your son is so interested in ATVs. We may have calenders and pictures some day, but nothing like that as of now, sorry.