The MotoX Nutrition Program
- Updated: August 23, 2008

By Brent Deen
We spend so much time and money to make sure our equipment is at peak performance, why wouldn’t we do the same for our bodies. Arm pump, drowsiness, unable to focused, these are the ghosts that typically haunt me on the last lap of my race. I spend a lot of money and countless hours wrenching then more time traveling all so I can be depressed about not having enough stamina in that important last lap.
Sure my quad is running great, too bad I can’t put more fuel, clean an air filter and change the oil on myself – the rider. Or can I? MotoX says that they can fine tune any rider who has the drive and is willing to listen to what they say. I’ve noticed a lot of professional riders taking advantage of programs like MotoX Nutrition’s so I decided to give it a try myself.
I contacted Christian Chambers of MXN to see what effects their program would have on my body, my mind and ultimately my lap times. After listening to what my goals were Christian suggested their MXN Pro Package, which retails for $122.96. By following the program Christian said that I could definitely look forward to decreased lap times, faster recovery and more oxygen in my system. In our conversation I learned that the MotoX has many professional racers and national champions from all over the country enrolled in their program including; Bryan Cook, John Natalie, Doug Eichner, Angela Butler and more. Needless to say I was impressed and looking forward to seeing how this stuff worked.
I was also impressed with how confident Christian was in his products. I asked is if they had any objection to all this being documented for a feature on ATV He laughed and said he had no problem with that at all. A few days later a package arrived on my front porch full of nutritional products. What excited me most was the fact that their products didn’t have any caffeine so I wouldn’t be having that freaky jittery feeling and end up crashing hard a few hours later with a headache like I do with products that have caffeine in them.
On of the bottles of pills in the MotoX Nutrition Pro Package is “Cynergy”. It’s included because it’s said to enhance the natural occurrences that happen in your body, but utilize them in a more beneficial manner. Basically it is supposed to put more oxygen in your blood, which ultimately reduces fatigue and stiffness. This sounds like one heck of a pill.
MXN says that all hours of the day are important if you want to be the best you can be, even the hours you spend sleeping at night. So they include a complete night time recovery system called “Rem-X”.
The term “Matrix” is so commonly used in the description of the products; I am waiting for Keanu Reeves to jump out of the bottle. When he does I think I’ll be ready for him.
On a serious note, for the next 30 days I am going to follow the instructions exactly as MotoX explains them and report back here with the facts. My ultimate goal is to decrease lap times and feel good about that last lap for a change. I’m anxious to see if having the MotoX Nutrition program on my side will help me do this or not. In addition to my quest for no more lazy last laps, I just enrolled in the Wills Point Police Academy so I am going to test my experience using the products here as well.
Only time will tell. I have been following the guidelines for a week now. I have not taken any of the products yet but have followed the exercise routines and documented my heart rate as recommended. I will share my discoveries in part two of this article in a few weeks.
I was leafing through a Wal-Mart sales advertisement the first week of the year and after passing yet another Tony Romo cover shot, the first thing that ran through my mind was Tony may end up doing more harm than good for Wal-Mart after a not-so-good season, complete with a bench-warming pinky injury. After my mind wondered from the disappointing Dallas Cowboy season I noticed that the whole magazine was pretty much devoted to work-out equipment. Page after page featured the perfect pull up, the perfect push up, treadmills, stationary bikes and more. You have to admit it, Wal-Mart marketers are geniuses. They knew just what their customers would be after for the new year and correctly targeted their crowd of do-gooders, who at January 1, 2009 vowed to lose weight and take better care of themselves in the new year.
Wal-Mart’s fitness campaign happily reminded me that I didn’t need a new tread mill to keep on track with my own program. My MotoX Nutrition supplements and my current training program has been going tremendously well. In fact I’ll say Christian Chambers of Moto X is just as genius as the crafty Wal-Mart marketers. Right from the beginning he treated me as if I were a factory racer and gave me the tools to accomplish my goal, which was to lose weight, get better cardio and achieve faster lap times.
For the past few months I have been following his program to the best of my ability. When I say the best of my ability, I mean with the hustle and bustle of today’s life you always have to be on the go to get ahead, and that includes some McDonald’s drive-throughs.
To get started Christian sent me a dietary plan and three different supplements; Cynergy, Endurogen and Rem-X. Cynergy is nature’s oxygen and immune catalyst. It may improve the internal balance mechanism, – making the utilization of oxygen ATP more efficiently available. Increased oxygen ATP levels account for optimal performance, stronger endurance and the anti-fatigue effects ultimately desired by all athletes. To put this into layman’s terms, it helps your body utilize the oxygen in the most effective way possible.
The great thing about this system is that all the supplements work together as a complete system. Cynergy helps optimize the oxygen but Endurogen helps produce it. Endurogen is a natural and stimulant-free complex designed to increase oxygen at the cellular level. A high octane oxygen ATP and recovery catalyst, Endurogen’s Core Complex is designed to boost your Carnosine Level, reduce muscle fatigue and increase mental focus. In other words Endurogen helps your body pump up the oxygen levels, making your cardio last a little longer to allow that strong last lap charge to the front.
Lastly, Rem-X is pretty simple. It is a night time recovery mineral matrix. It creates the proper release of the Hormones needed to rebuild your metabolism and get you ready for the next day. I am a weekend warrior not a full time racer, but that doesn’t mean I need to be completely worthless the day after a race like I used to be.
MotoX Nutrition – Miracle or Myth?
After four months of the MotoX Nutrition program I can honestly say that it does work. I didn’t notice a drastic change, but I did notice my stamina improved while taking the products. Never before have I had the drive to get out and get out and get a workout done. That is what I call it, getting it done. That’s what it’s all about if you ask me. The supplements simply help you get your workouts done, then help you quickly and properly recover so you can do it again.
Every day that I took the supplements and followed the meal planner, I had motivation to run that extra mile or do those extra laps. In the past when I finished a race I was too exhausted to even drive home! It hurt to sit, literally. But when I was following the great advice of Christian Chambers I honestly felt like a different person. It wasn’t easy, there’s no free rides, you still need to commit to your program and work hard. I think the supplements help you want to do it more than you would without them.
And as for my Police Academy Program, thanks to my fitness program and my MotoX Nutrition advantage, I recently finished runner-up in the police academy class behind a former marine, and when I say former I mean he just got out a few months ago! We recently quit physical training and have moved into a classroom, but I feel if we had continued, with the help of MotoX Nutrition, I would have caught him and passed him.
In closing, I say if your New Year’s Resolution is to get healthy, MotoX Nutrition should be on your list if you truly want to make it happen.
Christian Chambers at MXN is answering questions in our forums. He’s already provided some good advice on a healthier lifestyle as well as tips to getting the most out of your moto. He said he is happy to continue answering whatever questions you might have.