Rick and Jodi Zenner 2-25-04
- Updated: February 25, 2004

Rick and Jodi in action at the inaugural Maxxis 6 Hours of ATV America in Greenville, TX. This event will forever be known as the first ATV event that was scored exclusively with transponders.
Fast-Trak Promo, the parenting body behind atvscene.com, recently joined forces with Rick and Jodi Zenner of Bay Racing in an effort to score their Maxxis 6 and 12 Hours of ATV America events more accurately and professionally. Bay Racing took the big guns to Texas and introduced the AMB Identification and Timing Scoring System to ATV racing at the inaugural Maxxis 6 Hours of ATV America at Caddo Point in Greenville, TX. While there we got the scoop on this incredible modern-day method of scoring. Here’s what they had to say…
ATV Scene: How did you two get started in this?
Bay Racing: Rick started racing ATVs in 1990, by 1993 we started Bay Racing Promotions basically to support Rick’s climb to the State Championships. We built a track so that he would have a place to practice, and to make us more competitive at the GNCs. In 1997 an injury ended Rick’s racing career. In 1998, we opened our own 20 acre motocross park. In 2002 we were asked to join the AMA and District 14 in Michigan. In 2002, Rick attended Kart Fest (a Kart racers show) because we opened an 800 foot tri-oval dirt track for kart racing. This is where we found information on the AMB Timing System. We began using it on a test basis for our motocross races. We tested the scoring system at motocross events while at the same time we were working with a scoring program called Series Tracker® We linking the two timing and scoring systems together in 2003. We both felt strongly that all forms of racing could benifit from this system, so we dove into it head first from then on.
ATV Scene: How long has this technology been around?
Bay Racing: AMB Started out in Holland in 1984, for use with RC cars and has grown from there.
ATV Scene: Tell us briefly how the system works?
Bay Racing: The AMB MX timing and scoring system includes a transponder, decoder, detection loop and race administration software. An AMB transponder gets mounted on each racer’s bike. Each transponder has a unique ID which is transmitted to the detection loop that is buried in the dirt. The decoder receives the signal from each racer’s transponder and the race administration software scores the race automatically. Every racer’s lap time, position in class, speed and overall results are instantaneously updated. The system can also send live race results and data to digital scoreboards and to the announcer, which improves the show for the spectators.
ATV Scene: What are the chances of a rider being scored incorrectly?
Bay Racing: The chances of a rider being scored incorrectly by our equipment, is extremely rare. Our systems have been tested at the highest ranks of motorsports and are proven to be accurate and extremely reliable. Since we use magnetic induction technology, our hardware is not affected by radio frequencies, lighting or electrical wiring — this insures the highest accuracy and reliability possible today.
ATV Scene: Will this system work for brutal cross country racing? If the transponder gets wet will it still work properly?
Bay Racing: The MX Transponder will work perfect for cross country racing. The transponder is designed to take a beating. It’s completely waterproof and shockproof. It also comes with a 3-year warranty. MX transponders are great for both summer and winter racing. The 24 Hour Numb Bum Ice Race in Canada has used the MX system for two years with no problems and last year had temperatures down to -45 degrees F.
ATV Scene: How accurate is the method of scoring?
Bay Racing: The accuracy and reliability are what make our system so attractive. When used within our specs, the system is 100% reliable, and times are accurate to 1/1000 of a second. With the dirt and mud flying during most motocross races, scorers often have a hard time seeing racer’s numbers. Our system eliminates any question about who finished where and while doing, since it runs itself, it lets the promoter handle other important responsibilities.

This tiny transponder is curently scoring events like the Daytona 500, Clear Channel Supercross and more. Bet you’re glad it’s now in the ATV industry.
ATV Scene: Was the Maxxis 6 Hours of ATV America event in Greenville, TX the first time you used this system?
Bay Racing: We have used the system in varies races over the last year. That race was the first time it was used in an all ATV event.
ATV Scene: We felt the system worked fantastic at the innaugural 6 Hours event, but how do you feel it went?
Bay Racing: The rider input was great. It was the first time that we used a Plasma to display results. By the Macon, GA 6 Hours event, AMB will have RMonitor® in place, which will allow us to chose the information that is sent to the Plasma display and adjust it to suit that event specifically. We will customize it to fit the teams needs. All in all it’s pretty impressive to see it work. There was a lot of happy campers in TX and we’ve only just begun.
ATV Scene: Fast-Trak’s 6 and 12 Hours of ATV America events allow three riders to use the same ATV. Could your system tell which rider was on the track, if not, is there any plans to make this possible?
Bay Racing: We have discussed this with AMB and we are looking into a way to make it happened. Right now the transponder the assigned to the bike not the rider. Unless we fasten a transponder to each rider (which is not out of the question), only the machine will be scored.
ATV Scene: Where else is this system being used?
Bay Racing: AMB Timing systems are used by the FIM Motocross Championships, AMA Supercross and Arenacross, Winter X-Games Snocross, I-500 Snow Machine Race, Pike’s Peak Hill Climb, NASCAR, IRL, WERA, and more. We have over 12,500 systems installed around the world!

The AMB decoder, wire, transonder, charging case and a lap top. These are the ingredients to a better event scoring system.
ATV Scene: A lot of motocross and ATV national promoters are using scoring software called Trackside. In fact, the AMA/ATVA has requested that all GNC promoters use the same Trackside software if they want to remain national level promoters. Do you feel that that there is room for both systems in the industry? Can both systems work in conjunction with one another?
Bay Racing: AMB MX is a complete electronic lap counting, timing and scoring system designed specifically for motocross/snocross. Events like the Maxxis 6 and 12 Hours of ATV America, GNC TT, GNC MX and GNCC events could easily be run completely by the AMB system. The Trackside software and the AMB hardware are not yet compatible, though AMB often offers programmers such as Trackside the documentation needed to make custom software integration.
ATV Scene: Besides Fast-Trak Promo, is any other ATV promoter using this system?
Bay Racing: Fast-Trak is the first, we are excited about working with them and look forward to getting back into ATV racing.
ATV Scene: Any last words?
Bay Racing: We hope to see everyone in Georgia on May 8 for the Maxxis 6 hours of ATV America at Paradise Park in Macon. If you’re planning on going to this event, feel free to stop by and say hi. Until then, take a look at bayracing.org then click the motocross page then click the MyLaps logo link on the right to view detailed lap reports.