Rider Spotlight: Morgan Johnson
- Updated: November 10, 2015

Name: Morgan Johnson
Home: Concord, OH
Born in: 2005
Education: 6th grade student at LaMuth Middle School
Bros Sis: One sister
Pets: one dog, two cats
Began Riding in: 2008
First ATV: Suzuki LT50
Current Quad: Honda TRX 90, Yamaha Raptor 125 and Raptor 250
Racing #: AWRCS Peewee #1, GNCC #45
Race Series(s): CRA (local), AWRCS (tri-state), GNCC (national)
Sponsors: MSR, DP Brakes, Pro Built Homes, Fischer Racing, North Ridge Yamaha, Cometic Gaskett, Advanced Sleeve, HMF, CV4, Fire Power Mini, Elka, Scorpion Helmets, Pro-Taper, Cycra
Must have ATV bolt on: Elka shocks
Home Track: Pine Lake in Ashtabula, OH
Ride Spot: Pine Lake
Holeshot or pass to front: Holeshot
Favorite Rider: Walker Fowler
Favorite Place: Florida
Worst Place: Hospital
Restaurant Chain: Taco Bell
Worst Habit: Grinding my teeth
Addiction: Social Media
Coolest thing you’ve won: CRA Gold Cup. It’s so cool to forever have my name engraved on it along with Walker Fowler’s and all the other past winners.
New Year’s Resolution: Win a National Championship
Bucket list? To visit every state.
Motto: Ride Hard, Ride Smart