Q & A’s for Shane Hitt 10-6-04
- Updated: October 6, 2004

Most of the questions below come via deep within the ATV Scene, — otherwise known as the forum area of this site. A few weeks ago we asked you to ask us what to ask Shane. With that said, here’s what you told us to ask him. For those with a high speed connection, be sure to check out the video interview.
ATV Scene, from member “LT80”: Has the transition from two-strokes to four-strokes been easy?
Hitt: In motocross it was easy, but for TT it has been a little tougher for me. I think I would have the four-stroke TT machine down by now if I didn’t hurt myself. There’s still a lot to learn.
ATV Scene, from member “MX in the mud”: Can you be as competitive on the four-stroke as you have been in the past?
Hitt: Yes, without a doubt. I don’t think it will be as easy for me to dominate. I think the playing field is a lot more level now.
ATV Scene, from member “MX in the mud”: How disappointing has the ’04 season been for you, since you had such a strong start at motocross early in the year, and knowing that in year’s past you’ve always finished the season stronger than you started.
Hitt: It was extremely disappointing and frustrating. I feel that I would have finished top five in the GNC MX series this year. I was off to a pretty good start. The worse part is the fact that I got hurt while practicing. If it was a race it would be different. You’re not supposed to hurt yourself while training and practicing. It has been really frustrating to say the least.
ATV Scene, from member “MX in the mud”: Will you ride motocross in ’05?
Hitt: Yes I plan on it. As long as my ankle is able to take the pounding, I’ll be at every one.
ATV Scene, from member “MX in the mud”: Is there another title in Shane Hitt’s future? (MX or TT)
Hitt: I don’t know, we’ll have to wait and see.
ATV Scene, from member “MX in the mud”: Will Yamaha step it up in ’05? And will you be with them?
Hitt: I can’t answer that. As of right now, I don’t have any contracts for next year. I’ve enjoyed working with them and hope they’ll let me do it again in 2005.
ATV Scene, from member “MX in the mud”: What do other factory teams need to do in ’05 to keep up with team Suzuki?
Hitt: They need to just do what Suzuki’s doing. It’s really not a huge effort, but what they’re doing they’re doing correctly and effectively. At the same time, we as racers and ATV racing enthusiasts can’t expect the factories to step in and change everything overnight. It sure would be nice to see each manufacturer doing what Suzuki is doing, but I think it will take some time.
ATV Scene, from member “MX in the mud”: Which motocross races are you most likely to win next year? You’ve had good races and won heats at just about every track, but which do you feel you can honestly win on?
Hitt: I’ve done well at all of them, but it was a while ago. I would say my best chance would be at Glen Helen, Southwick maybe Macon. I like Red Bud too.
ATV Scene, from member “MX in the mud”: What do you think the key to winning races is?
Hitt: In motocross you have to be in shape, work hard and have good suspension. In TT racing you need good starts and good set ups. You need to know what to change and when to change it. Sometimes the most talented riders don’t win TTs — but the smartest riders do.
ATV Scene, from member “MX in the mud”: Should there be more races added to the 19 race GNC schedule? (MX or TT)
Hitt: Absolutely not. This is still an amateur series and you cannot expect these people to run all these races. I know of some people that are still paying for the last five years they’ve raced with credit cards. They’ll probably add more races, but it’s the wrong move if you ask me. Boy I hate to say it but I sure wish we could go back to 6 motocrosses and 6 TTs all under one GNC series like we used to have. I don’t see that every happening again, but it would help our sport a lot if it did.

Here Shane charges to a 6th place finish at the GNC MX opener at Glen Helen Raceway in Devore, CA.
ATV Scene, from member “MX in the mud”: How could the ATVA expand the series out West?
Hitt: It looks like the West coast is growing on its own. The ITP QuadCross has really helped out. There are a lot a good riders out there now days. I think that side will build up faster than the East side did.
ATV Scene, from member “MX in the mud”: Is the ATVA. big enough to handle the growth of the GNC series in the next three years?
Hitt: No, probably not. They’re already understaffed as it is.
ATV Scene, from member “Predator_Venom”: Why did you say that you consider the Paducah GNC your greatest race of your career?
Hitt: It was a new bike, and I was just off of a major career-ending-injury To come back from that in less than a year was a great accomplishment for me. It was also a very hard fought race all the way to the end. I really had to earn that one. It was also the first race I won with full factory sponsorship. That alone is a pretty instrumental achievement when you’ve been racing ATVs as long as I have, and wanted that to happen as long as I have.

Shane and Tim Farr are excellent friends. The two were practicing together when Shane broke his ankle.

Recently, Shane rode a few laps during ATV Rider Magazine’s 12-hour torture test. Of course he rode the Yamaha YFZ.
ATV Scene, from member “Predator_Venom”: Will you run any Mid Atlantic TT event next year?
Hitt: Probably not but it all depends on the GNC schedule.
ATV Scene, from member “Predator_Venom”: What do you think about the growth of the sport over the last couple of years? How many more years do you plan on racing?
Hitt: The growth is great. I feel it’s going to get even better. I’ll race as long as I feel competitive.
ATV Scene, from member “iceracer65”: How do you like your TT YFZ compared to your old dialed-in 250R?
Hitt: The YFZ suits me perfectly. It’s different, but I like it a lot. It’s a new challenge that I really enjoy, especially after racing the R for fourteen years. It has been refreshing to be on something completely different.
ATV Scene, from member “iceracer65”: With all the new machines coming out, what do you think about a true production class with very limited modifications to the bikes?
Hitt: I don’t see that happening. Maybe in cross country, it could work. Even though the new sport quads are a huge improvement to what was available only a few short years ago, they’re still not true race quads yet. I wouldn’t want to race a stock quad. I’ll tell you that much. Plus I think people want to watch something exciting too. Quiet, slow quads won’t raise much spectator interest.
Name: Shane Hitt
Occupation: Pro ATV racer, Nursing home business
Residence: Buckhannon, WV
Birth date: 5/17/71
Hobbies: I used to like to snow ski. I don’t see me doing that anymore. I like riding utility quads though.
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 150 lbs
Proudest Moment: Becoming a Father
Favorite practice track: Darius Lattea’s in Vandelia, WV
Food: Steak
Restaurant: Road House
Pets: Two dogs, Princess and Hope
First national win: Ashtabula, OH
Nicknamed: “Dog” My dad calls me that
Favorite activity when not racing or working: Playing with Logan
Pet Peeves: Changing rules from one track to the next
Future ATV star? Dustin Wimmer
Coolest ride spot on earth? Glamis
Chevy or Ford? Chevy
Tech gadget of choice? Cell phone
Cell carrier: AT&T
Choice country: USA. Second is New Zealand, but I wish they would drive on the correct side of the road.
Twist or thumb? Thumb
Magazine? Sports Illustrated
Favorite place? Home
Staying in shape? Mountain biking
What’s in your CD player? Kid Rock
Movie? Old School
TV Show? Speed Channel
Other sports? Football, baseball, basketball and the Tour de France. I like to watch Lance Armstrong whoop everyone’s ass.
Sponsors: Yamaha Motor Corp., Sparks Racing, PEP, Hinson Racing, Hollywood Racing, Kames Sports Center, Douglas Wheel, SHIFT, Outerwears, Baldwin Motorsports, Quad Tech, mxprographx.com, Rath Racing, Division 4, Denton Racing, Summersville Cycle, List Design, Pro Design, Scott USA, ACP, Sidi, Walsh Racecraft, Hitt Enterprises, Mom, Dad, Holly and Jake
Website: shanehitt.comWe recently had the opportunity to ask the king of TT racing, and arguably the winningest ATV rider of all time, a few question during a car ride in his new Pontiac GTO on the way to New York City.