Where are they now: Dana Creech
- Updated: September 23, 2012

By Anthony Layton
It was 15 years ago when Dana Creech made the long drive from California to compete in his first ATV National at Loretta Lynn’s. He easily won the A class, went on to win the championship (and several more as years progressed) and swiftly made an impact on the sport of ATV racing. Like Travis Pastrana, Dana’s talent didn’t stop at the race track. The freestyle tricks he was able to do on a quad were unseen and unbelieved at the time. With support and exposure from Wes Miller and his H Bomb Films and Bomb Squad events, Dana became a world renowned celebrity in the ATV industry. Since he has always been an innovator, when side by sides were introduced in 2004, with Yamaha’s Rhino, Dana was the first to get on board and pushed to make side by side racing the next big thing.
Fast forward to today and Dana doesn’t race the nationals or fly superman style over freestyle ramps too often, but other than that not much has changed. He is still all about side by sides, especially his Polaris RZR XP 900. He still rides bikes, quads and side by sides almost daily and last but not least, Dana drives the Monster Mutt Monster Truck at selected events across the country.
It has been quite some time since we talked with him so here’s a little interview that sums up where Dana Creech is now….
My brother and I consider you as one of the most talented people to ever ride an ATV. What have you been doing these days?
I have been really busy the past few years getting a taste of the off road world beyond ATV racing. It started with racing UTVs and dirt bikes then came monster trucks and now I’m working on getting into short course racing. I have been living on a moto ranch and still riding quads as much as possible when I’m not doing dirt work in my skid steer or driving my Polaris RZR 4.
Do you have a regular 9 to 5 now?
Not really, I have mainly been driving monster trucks and doing dirt work.
You were such an important part of the birth of Freestyle ATV Motocross. Are you still apart of H-Bomb?
Yeah I am sure I will always be a part of H Bomb I would not have been able to get as much coverage with out Wes Miller and all of his great videos.
You were also one of the very first guys to race a Side by Side when they first hit the scene in 2004.
Yeah those were good times. Side by Sides are a lot of fun, I have been somewhat addicted to them since they first came out. Not much has changed really. I have a Polaris RZR 4 and it’s amazing. We have had such a great time with it. It has helped me out a lot around the ranch as well. I’m pretty sure there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t drive my RZR4. The best part about the new ones is that they are so strong now. Mine is almost a year old now. It’s pretty much bone stock with all of the same original parts. I just change the oil and air filter and that’s about it. Polaris did well that’s for sure.
What ever happened to danacreechracing.com? You and your mom did a great job with that.
I was one of the two remaining moderators for the forum when it was still up. I was in college at the time and could not keep up with all the endless spam, so it was eventually taken offline. The website is sitting there waiting to be updated. It does bother me that it is not current but I have been really busy and I’m not ready to dive into web design stuff yet. Hopefully I will be able to get something going soon though.
Do you miss two-stoke quads? Do you have a preference?
I do miss the 250R, it really helped build our sport, but the four-strokes take the cake if I had to choose.
I recently discovered a YouTube video that had your name in the label, “Monster Truck XXX State Of
Destruction, Dana Creech.” How did that come about?
I am friends with RB with the XXX Truck, one day he asked me if I would like to drive it at the Houston, Texas Monster Jam. Of course I said yes. We ended up having a problem with the truck and did not get to do freestyle that night but it was a blast. He has some of the nicest equipment you’ll ever see and I loved working with him.
Is there a Creech comeback planned?
I would never say never. I feel that I’m just getting started.
Thanks for talking with me today. I wish you well. Who should we feature next in our “Where are they Now” series?
Thanks for caring how I’ve been. Long live ATV Scene! You should get Serm next.