Jason Brown’s 2007 Suzuki King Quad 750 4×4
- Updated: April 19, 2013

Photos by Aaron Bievenue of Lucky’s Media
Once in a while we’re so impressed with an extraordinary quad build we just have to find out more about it. That’s the case here. Every square inch of this murdered out 2007 Suzuki King Quad 750 4×4 project was meticulously crafted by Jason Brown of Warrenton, MO. If you’re like Jason, you like the idea of having the sharpest quad at your ride spot and don’t ever want to get stuck in the mud.
How did the project come about?
I was actually just going to tear down the engine and fix a small oil leak that I had. Then some things happened in my life and I needed to take my mind off of my life for a while. Once I decided to do the eight inch lift the whole quad kind of snowballed into what it is today.
How long did it take you to complete this project?
It took about five months to get it done. There were a couple two week periods in there where I couldn’t do anything because I was waiting to get stuff back and there was a lot of tinkering and finding better ways to do things.
Why did you choose the Suzuki King Quad?
I had the King Quad for four years and did a lot of mud riding. I pushed the quad to every limit possible and the Suzuki never let me down unless it was an operator error. It may not have the power of all the big twin engines but it still gets the job done with the 32” Silverbacks.
There’s certainly a lot of black on your Suzuki. Was it a challenge to paint some of the parts of the quad black?
There were really no problems with anything on painting. Scott Heppermann with All American Painting did a great job on all my painted parts. Doug at Pro Powder Coating was awesome to work with and he did a fantastic job on all of my Powder Coating. I’m really happy with how it turned out.
Why did you go with the Black Chrome on a Mud Machine?
I have always loved the look of Black Chrome and I didn’t want to just go with everything plain black. The Black Chrome gives it that really fancy look without being to overpowering with the black fenders and frame.
Are you planning to race it in the mud?
I am not really planning to do any racing with it, I raced quads for years and now I have more fun building them and just going out riding. One day I may build a quad to race Flat Track and TT again but it will only be for fun I won’t get back into it seriously.
32 Inch Tires? That’s bigger than most people have on their trucks.
You know what the say “Go Big or Go Home”! I was a little worried when I got the tires that I might have went a little overboard, then when we got them on the quad I said we had to use the 32’s — they looked so perfect on it. We had to do a little more clutch work than I was planning on, but it was well worth it.
Nitrous, Really, on a quad?
The Nitrous idea really came after the tires. I got a hold of Straightline Performance and they set me up with a sweet 25hp shot nitrous system that is bulletproof. When we got the quad up and going it was pretty much relevant that the nitrous was not really needed but I keep it on there because it is fun from time to time!
What were some of the biggest challenges with this build?
Everything with this build was a challenge. The Suzuki King Quad is not a very popular machine that people build for the mud unlike the Can-Am, Polaris, and Arctic Cat’s that overpower the mud racing world. Anytime you do a custom build you are going to run into challenges and if I had to pick something I would say the biggest challenge was getting all the snorkeling ran because they don’t give you a lot of room on the King Quads.
What kind of comments do you get when you take the quad out?
My quad definitely gets a lot of attention when I take it out, most people don’t really know what to say except its one of the sickest quads they have ever seen. When we actually go out riding I don’t really get a whole lot of riding in
because everyone is always coming up and asking me all kinds of questions about it, which is okay, I didn’t build it not to show it off!
What are some of the best improvements from stock?
It is really hard to say what the best improvements from stock are because everything is so far from stock. One of the improvements that come to mind is the wiring modifications that I did, it was a modification that did not cost me anything and it made a pretty big difference with the holeshot performance of the quad.
Is there anything you didn’t do that you wish you had?
There is nothing that I didn’t do; when I was building it I made sure that it was just the way that I wanted it and I have to say myself it turned out great.
Anything you wish you didn’t do to it?
I put a lot of planning and thought into everything I did, which is another reason it took me five months to get it done. If I didn’t like the way something was done I took it back apart and changed it on the spot.
Did you enjoy the build enough to want to do another one?
I love building quads more than I actually like to ride them when I get them done! This is actually my favorite quad that I have built so far and is my first 4×4 quad that I have built. This project threw a lot more obstacles at me over what a sport quad does, partially because of the fact that the drive-trains are a lot more complex on a 4×4 quad. I definitely don’t think I will ever buy a quad as is and not do anything to it. Working in the industry makes it really hard not to get the new toys and try them out!
What’s it like to ride it?
It is actually quite surprising that in the trail it rides pretty smooth, the big tires tend to want to wander when you hit ruts and holes but that is easily taken care of with the steering stabilizer. When you hit the throttle in low range hold on because the quad is going to try to throw you right off its back. In high range hit the throttle and the nitrous and it stays planted and pulls like a freight train. In the mud you can go pretty much anywhere you want to in 2-wheel drive which is a good thing because in 4-wheel drive it becomes a real handful.
What’s next in your quad addicted life?
I’m ready for whatever gets thrown at me. I already have two projects that I will start soon. One is my 2003 Gas Gas 300. I wanted to build this quad because it’s not something that people see everyday out on the trails and not that many people know the name Gas Gas. The other is a Suzuki 500 King Quad that will be built for Cross Country. These are not going to be very extreme builds but I have a few more ideas that I would like to run with but in these economic times the money is not always there to build them unfortunately.
Modification List
-Stateline Customs, Custom 8 inch lift w/ Turner Cycles Axles.
-750 Big Bore Piston from CP Pistons.
-Cylinder work done by Millennium Technologies, Decking Modification for the Big Bore Piston.
-All Plastics went back to Suzuki OEM in Black
-All painting done by Scott Hepperman at All American Painting
-All powder coating done by Doug at Pro Powder Coating in Russellville, MO. Black Powder Coat w/ Clear Powder Coat over Black.
-Made custom gussets for the frame to strengthen it from the added stress.
-Got rid of the factory Rubber Motor Mounts and made our own custom solid motor mounts from Black Delrin.
-Classic Components did all of the Black Chrome work on the quad.
-32x10x14 Silverback Tires
-Douglas 14” Diablo Black Chrome Wheels.
-All Custom made snorkel kit for the Air Intake and the CVT Transmission, Custom Top Plates for the snorkel tubes.
-Radiator Relocation Kit.
-Removed headlight and installed the cover from the 500 King Quads.
-Headlight covers and custom blacked out taillight.
-Koso Gauges (Air/Fuel Ratio, Exhaust Gas Temperature, Coolant Temp, and Tachometer Gauges)
-Custom Clutching with all EPI Performance components.
-High Lifter Pro Series Drive Belt.
-HMF Swamp Series Exhaust in Black Chrome.
-FMF Fuel Programmer.
-Modified the stock electronics to get rid of the timing retard and to remove all the limiters.
-Straightline Performance Nitrous Kit w/ 25hp shot.
-Streamline Billetanium Steering Stabilizer.
-Street FX Green LED accent lighting.
Special Thanks:
Lincoln PowerSports – The Crew
Stateline Customs – Seth
Pro PowderCoating – Doug
Turner Cycles – Tonya
Erlandson Performance – Chad
All American Painting – Scott
Very Special Thanks to Tim Schuette