On The Fast-Trak 3-3-2003
- By John Pellan
- Updated: March 3, 2003

Year 5, Issue 1
I went out the other night with some friends to a bar called Legends near Hopkins Airport in Berea, OH. We were there before the big crowd arrived but just when the place was happening we had to leave. None of us had to get up early, there wasn’t an emergency, no one got sick – we simply couldn’t stand the cigarette smoke any longer. It was so bad you couldn’t see the other side of the place like you could when we got there. My eyes were red and irritated and my lungs hurt from breathing so much poison. It might seem strange for me to write about this in an ATV news column, but it’s something I need to get off my chest (or should I say get out of my chest). I figure if more people like me express how they feel about this maybe some good can finally happen.
Each day 1200 people die because of their “bad habit”. They die because they were poisoned over the years by proven life-killing-toxins. Nothing is done about it however, the tobacco industry continues to get away with murder and make billions of dollars while doing so. Some argue that many jobs would cease if we made the poison they manufacture illegal. I say find another job – one that doesn’t kill people and one that you can be proud of. Simple as that. It’s absolutely ridiculous that I return home from a restaurant or bar with severe irritation in my eyes, tired and sour lungs, a pounding headache and sticky poisonous toxins stuck all over my hair, skin and clothes. The next morning I need to work brownish crap out of my lungs like a veteran smoker does. Secondhand smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals; 200 are poisons; 43 cause cancer, (Group A carcinogen). For some reason this is socially accepted! What the hell is wrong with this picture? The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) estimates approximately 3,000 nonsmoker deaths caused by lung cancer each year and 35,000 heart disease deaths in nonsmokers each year! California is the only state that I know of that uses common sense in their judicial laws and did away with the secondhand smoke problem. You can’t smoke in a public place in California just like you can’t send anthrax in the mail to someone. Simple as that. The government stopped putting asbestos in material that is exposed to people. Why? Because they later found that the stuff can kill you! Yet cigarettes are still sold and uneducated nonsmokers accept that it must be OK to be around secondhand smoke.
It’s not OK. I miss my grandfather and I’m sick of seeing people die. I’m also sick of seeing cigarette companies hoard more money than we can even imagine and get away with murder. For God sake, if you are one of the weak souls that has been brainwashed into killing yourself by inhaling Marlboro’s murdering chemical – wake up and quit! If not for yourself, quit for the people around you that love you and want you in their lives as long as possible.
To do something about this, click here and write a quick letter to your own lawmaker. Just type in your Zip Code and you’ll be matched up to your own lawmaker’s e mail address in seconds. It only takes a minute and they want and need to hear from you on issues that you consider important.
Now, on to the news…
Impressive numbers to say the least!
In 2002, 769,587 new ATVs were sold in the US, (913,505 worldwide). New ATVs were responsible for 47.16% of the motorcycle & ATV marketplace (dirt bikes, street bikes, dual purpose bikes, scooters and ATVs). This is a 5.5% increase from last year’s quad sales. 40% of these units went to first time buyers, welcome to the scene newcomers! These impressive numbers are despite a West Coast port shutdown which delayed units shipped from Japan. Plus this happened during the heavy Christmas buying period.
’02 Calendar year ATV state sales top ten leaders…
Well hello there North Dakota!
1. CA — 48,688
2. TX — 47,315
3. ND — 34,549
4. PA — 32,848
5. MN — 31,351
6. OH — 29,338
7. MI — 26,509
8. WV — 26,228
9. FL — 23,799
10. MS — 22,562
Ten year’s worth of ATV retail worldwide success…
Check out our impressive growth over the last ten years!
1992 — 212,166
1993 — 246,000
1994 — 285,000
1995 — 357,000
1996 — 389,500
1997 — 440,550
1998 — 527,492
1999 — 656,766
2000 — 778,696
2001 — 861,000
2002 — 913,505
Congratulations ATV OEMs on the phenomenal ten year success!
The race for market share
There aren’t too many companies in the industry that aren’t aware of the incredible numbers above. Many bike orientated companies are no longer peaking into the ATV market place, they’re diving in with full aggression. OEMs can no longer update their new lineups by offering a different color sticker on last year’s model. With all the competition in the market place companies will now need to step it up each and every year if they want to win in the market share race. With all this said, I congratulate ATV buyers as well! Look forward to lower prices, more choices, bigger sponsorships, bigger race purses and prizes and more attention to your sport! Where your tinted goggles, the future looks very bright!
American Honda Motor Company’s Motorcycle Division announces 6.9 million in racing contingencies
American Honda Motor Co. announced its racing contingency program for 2003. The 2003 contingency program will post more than 6.9 million dollars at over 600 events across the country and will include road racing, supercross, motocross and dirt track series. “It’s the most aggressive program we’ve ever had”, said Ray Blank, Vice President of American Honda, “with pay outs at over 600 events nationwide, it makes more sense than ever to race a Honda.” Payouts will be credited to the Red Rider Rewards card, the industry’s only contingency debit card. Racers can use the Red Rider Rewards card anywhere Visa is accepted.
Hopefully Honda will read the above piece on ATV market share and add ATV racing to their 2004 program before too many of their ATV red riders start wearing different colors.
ATV Scene Click List
Check out the new ATV Scene Click List (links page) and ATV Scene Staff Click List. It’s the biggest ATV orientated listing on the net! If your company’s site or personal site is not listed — get with the scene and send us your www call letters. All we ask is that you link back to ATV Scene.com
Digizign Motorsports
Digizign Ltd’s Aaron Ward and Brad Dedon have formed www.offroaddesigns.com, under the Digizign Motorsports name. They’re new web construction company caters to the off road crowd. The duo is especially knowledgeable with Macromedia Flash animation, as you’ll see if you visit their creations. Check them out at offroaddesigns.com
Speaking of links and cool animation…
Check out the latest offroaddesigns.com masterpiece, www.ArensBros.com. While you’re checking out Ward and Dedon’s kick’n Flash animated handiwork, check out the Arens Bros products. I think you’ll agree quality and state of the art are understatements at Arens Bros.
Fantasy ATV Racing Contest on hold
Due to lack of sponsorship, our Fantasy ATV Racing Contest is on hold. If you are in a position to offer quality prizes for pro podium predictors in this contest in return for ATV Scene advertising send an e mail to advertising@atvscene.com for full details on this opportunity.
More on the contest here, Fantasy ATV Racing Contest. We have a good start on the new pro GNCC and GNC roster pages that go hand in hand with this contest. They’ll be posted within the next few weeks.
Televising the world’s greatest sport
We tend to get a few press releases and hype about new television programs featuring ATVs. Usually they all hinge on a sponsor or a lucky break and unfortunately don’t usually happen. While in Indianapolis for the annual Dealer Expo, I talked with Ehlert Publishing’s Cary Bohn (the main man behind ATV Sport Magazine). Cary didn’t have news about an intention to try to put together a television show. Instead he had a signed contract that will indeed put his show called ATV Magazine on the tube. I believe he said it will air weekly at 6pm on the Outdoor Life Network. Cary said that the show will include portions of ATV racing to go along with the ATV recreational theme. I realize my details are sketchy, we still have not received an official press release on this. As soon as we get the details we’ll let you know.
More ATV Racing on TV?
I understand negotiations are in the works with the guys behind High Octane Television to feature highlights from most of the GNC motocross events on their well put together program. Nothing official has been sent in. I believe the GNC promoters are being asked to contribute funds to help make this possible but haven’t heard if they will or not. Again, as soon we hear an official word on this we’ll let you know.
Smitty the GNC Ref
The ATVA has hired a referee for duty in the motocross area of the 2003 GNC series. His name is Robert Smith. I traded an e mail to Robert, AKA”Smitty” and discovered that we wont get much communication out of him, as you’ll see in our conversation below. Rest assured former GNC ref, and my ref of choice for 12 Hours of ATV America, Tom Prendergast continues to do his best by answering your questions the “Ask the Ref” forum. Thanks Tom for your sincere care for ATV racing!
Hello Bob
I just heard the news that you are the new ref for the GNC motocross series. Congratulations! I just wanted to say that and introduce myself..
Also, if you would like to put out potential fires before they happen, I can easily set you up with the “OFFICIAL MX REF” name in our forums. The “Ask the Ref Forum” is a perfect way to communicate to the riders. I think you’ll agree that communication will be a huge way to make sure everyone is playing by the same rules – and this is a great way to do that.
You can check for questions every week or so. I really think this will help organize people and get them familiar with what the rules actually are – thus solve problems before they happen at the track. I set you up as invisible so you won’t get hounded when you log on (no one will know you are ever online).
Let me know if you are into this and we’ll go over it together.
Thanks, I look forward to meeting you.
Thanks for the e-mail. Between two small children, an 11yr old 60cc rider and a full time job my time is pretty used up. I would love answer a forum, but its hard for me to get time to do it properly. I can assure you of two things that, with the help of the promoters of this series, will occur. One, they will be run consistent (that’s one thing Doug and I very much strive for). And two, they will be run by the rule book. Other than that, any suggestions will be gladly accepted.
Bob Smith
Yamaha hires a gem for their new ATV Public Relations Manager position
Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, has named Steve Nessl as the company’s new ATV Public Relations Manager. Nessl is an avid ATV enthusiast and has been in the industry for five years, most recently as the Senior Editor at Dealernews magazine, a powersports industry trade publication. Nessl holds a B.A. in Communications with an emphasis in Public Relations from California State University Fullerton.
Nessl will focus specifically on Yamaha’s growing line of ATV models and all-terrain parts and accessories. He is responsible for all ATV-related cross promotions and communications, including media relations and product introductions. “We are very happy to have Steve come on board,” says Bob Starr, Yamaha Motorsports Group Corporate Communications Manager. “We believe his enthusiasm and knowledge of the industry and its retailers will be an asset in promoting Yamaha’s extensive ATV product line.”
Robin Hartfiel doesn’t trust me and samples Mexico’s soil for himself
Speaking of Dealernews, Robin Hartfiel, Editor in Chief/Publisher of the magazine crashed while riding FMF’s Baja Mar (an industry ride down the Baja). My recent soil sample while pre running the Baja 1000 wasn’t enough for my fellow magazine editor, he had to sample his own soil and messed up his knee pretty badly while doing so. Robin crashed a borrowed factory owned KTM dirtbike in the middle of Nowhere, Mexico just like I did in my incident when I totaled a brand new special edition ’03 Yamaha Raptor that they graciously loaned me. Trust Robin and I, you don’t want to crash in Nowhere, Mexico. Fortunately other than the knee problem he’s OK. I wish my fellow news man luck and happy healing as he goes under the knife to repair his meniscus and ACL.

The above is a shot of Beckman racing the ATV Sports Magazine project TRX 250X at Ascot Raceway in SoCal. Beckman rode this quad at three Nationals in 1986, where he finished as high as fourth in the Pro 4-Stroke class.
Where are they now? — Phil Beckman
More editor news to report…
As a loyal fan of ATV magazines, I have read many Phil Beckman pieces over the years and enjoyed them all. Phil used to be an editor at Wright Publishing’s ATV Sports, (formerly 3 Wheeling Magazine). Before that he wrote for Hi-Torque’s Dirt Wheels & 3&4 Wheel Action. Along the way, he was also a pretty darn good rider and racer. These day’s Phil Beckman is still in the industry but he’s his own boss now.
“When Wright Publishing decided to fold ATV Sports at the height of the CPSC ATV safety debacle (1989), I decided to hurry plans to go out on my own”, says Beckman. “I hooked up with a couple of important connections right away, primarily Suzuki and ITP, and they’ve been keeping me busy ever since. I added to my writing and photography skills by going back to school and eventually getting a degree in graphic design.”
Beckman now lives in the San Bernardino Mountains in Southern California, only one block from a National Forest. Over the last 12 years he has continued to dabble in racing, both on motorcycles (motocross and road) and bicycles (mountain bikes and road bikes).
“I produce a number of newsletter/newsmagazine-type pubs for American Suzuki, including dealer communication pieces for both their motorcycle/ATV and marine (outboard) divisions. They’re both called Suzuki News; for motocross and ATV, it’s bimonthly, and for Marine it’s quarterly. I also put together a consumer piece that goes to all Suzuki DR-Z400 owners called Route Sheet, (that generally only goes to print once or twice a year). I also do some point-of-purchase and brochure work for them, including all of their racing contingency brochures (motocross, road racing, off-road and drag racing/dirt track). Suzuki is clearly my bread-and-butter client”, further explains Beckman on his impressive list of responsibilities.
Lately ITP has also kept Beckman extremely busy. “ITP has certainly gotten to be more and more involved over the last few years. ITP’s success has meant plenty of ad work for me, as well as flyers, press releases, trade show display pieces and an annual product catalog. I’ve known Craig (Petterson) since the first time we met at an ATV race here in SoCal, not long after he moved here from Iowa (I moved here from Minnesota just a couple of years before that). We were both racing 3-wheelers at what was once a pretty important regional pro race series called Baja-Cross. We still get out and ride together every once in a while, but now we’re both on dirt bikes.”
Beckman also lists OMF Performance Products and Carlisle Tire & Wheel Company as additional industry-related clients.
ITP’S New Holeshot MXR and T-9 Pro Series Baja Wheel
Speaking of ITP…
ITP just introduced their new Holeshot MXR. “This is undeniably the most advanced rear motocross knobby ever. It’s a high-tech example of ITP’s ability to meet specific rider and market needs”, claims ITP’s Craig Peterson. The Holeshot MXR is 1.5 pounds lighter than ITP’s standard Holeshot tire. “The MXR distinguishes itself by being the lightest high-performance MX knobby in the business, which results in less unsprung weight, quicker power transfer and more responsive handling”, adds Peterson. The new tire also features a new tread pattern with wider-spaced knobs and a race-tuned rubber compound for better forward bite, consistent cornering and clean-out on loose surfaces. The all-new Holeshot MXR comes in two sizes, 18×10-8 and 18×10-9.
ITP adds to its already expansive line of T-9 Pro Series aluminum wheels with the introduction of the all-new “Baja” wheel. The ITP Baja wheel is unlike anything else on the market today. Its patent-pending design sets new standards in manufacturing with the addition of inner and outer reinforcing rings that are rolled in – not welded! A highly precise fit and rolling process simplifies this type of wheel construction, which eliminates welding and that associated cost, making the Baja a great value. Built to the same exacting specifications that have already made T-9 Pro Series wheels the leader in the field, the ITP Baja is amazingly light while at the same time offering an extremely high level of strength. It’s the best of both worlds!
The Baja wheel is available in five sizes to fit most popular sport-style ATVs: 8×8.5, 9×8, 9×9, 10×5 and 10×8.
For further info visit ITP at www.itptires.com
ITP Quadcross
More ITP stuff…
Check out the closest thing to a GNC series in California. It’s called ITP Quad Cross Way cool if you ask me.
Heroes on Quads
Much like many of you, EJ Duck and his son Bobby Duck race ATVs together. And like many of you, simply racing quads isn’t enough to express what the sport means to them. So dad wrote a book! It’s called Heroes on Quads. The book is about seven young quad riders that get recruited to teach special forces how to ride ATVs. They later do more than just instruct proper quad riding – they become heroes. EJ and his oldest daughter served in the US Army Reserves during Desert Storm. “In our war on terrorism, our armed forces need and deserve our complete support, just like my daughter and I received during Desert Storm”, says EJ about why he wrote the book.
For more info about Heroes on Quads and how to get your copy click here.
Virus info
In related words of genuine care for your electronic well being, please — update your anti-virus software DAILY! No anti virus software you say? This is Russian Roulette! Spend $20 and buy Norton or McAfee! If you don’t have an anti virus program you WILL get a virus, it’s just a matter of time.
Never delete a file from your computer because you got a warning e mail that told you to do so. These are hoax e mails, most forwarded e mails are exactly that, hoaxes and wastes of time.
Last but not least. Many of you might be getting virus e mails that appear to be coming from your friends. Trust us this is not the case. Chances are this is probably the Klez virus. Klez combines a virus and a worm that uses a Microsoft Windows security hole to send itself around the Internet. It yanks e-mail addresses out of address books and makes it appear to be from third parties. So if you’re getting virus infected e mails from familiar e mail addresses, they’re actually often not coming from that person. Someone you know is infected and their machine has your friend’s address on it (and your address) in their address book.
Sick of Spam?
If your spam problem is getting too out of hand there are e mail filter programs available. Here’s a free one that works well “Mail Washer” This program will send a bounced message to the spammer that makes it look like your e mail account is no longer in service. Trust me it works.
Here’s a few things to keep in mind to stop spam e mails from overtaking your inbox. Never unsubscribe to spam! This only tells the spammers that you are a real person on the other end and their e mail successfully get to you. In most cases, you will only be added to further lists by unsubscribing.
Never click on e mail based html unless you are ready to receive more spam from companies like that. You’re better off typing in the web address into your browser and surfing on your own. This way the smammers wont be able to confirm your e mail existence as well.
John Shelburne now with T&T Motorsports
Here’s a little inside the industry info for you. John Shelburne, formerly with Nac’s Racing returned to his hometown — Bardstown KY to take a position with T&T Motorsports. Those that know Shelburne know he’s one of the nicest guys you’ll ever run into. Shelburne is one heck of an ATV fan as well. He found the sport over 6 years ago. He soon got hooked as a spectator just as many people get hooked as riders. Shelburne actually drove to many of the GNCs by himself just to watch the races. He slowly worked his way on to the Nac’s team as a mechanic. We’re sure he’s doing his best to persuade his new bosses at T&T Motorsports to field an ATV racing team. Fellow Bardstownian, Ryan “Superman” Barnes might be a logical candidate for the T&T assault at the nationals.
Want to be a factory Polaris test rider?
Polaris is looking for talented ATV riders to help them dial in future versions of their new Predator 500. The Minnesota based company will select five riders to do testing for two days of ATV riding and product testing. For your chance to win a spot on the test team, register on-line from March 1 to April 30, 2003. To register for this, you must be live in America or Canadian and be at least 18 years of age. For complete details, check their official rules here.
2003 Virginia Beach ATV Extreme Weekend
Need a vacation? Want to hang out at the beach and enjoy some sunshine while gazing out at the ocean? Mix ATV racing on the beach just out the back doors of the hotel and many are probably packing already. The National Quad Racing Association, (Formerly the Mid-Atlantic ATV Association), Quadstar Productions and Randy Dinkins (2-time MAATVA Promoter of the Year) announces their 3rd annual VA Beach Race. It happens on May 2-4 at the Atlantic Ave & 6th St. intersection in Virginia Beach. The host hotel is Best Western Beach Quarters (800) 645-8705. For more info call (866) 861-4415.
ATV Antique Show & Tell
On Saturday April 12 during round three of the ITP Nationals, Jerry Hebel, promoter and owner of the Daniel Boone MX Park, will treat those in attendance to something special. Hebel is inviting all to his first annual ATV Antique Show & Tell. I’m a big fan of the roots of our sport as you loyal ‘On the Fast-Trak readers know, so Jerry’s idea is a winner in my book. I’m looking forward to this year’s London national for sure!
Already registered is the first 4-wheeled ATV, a 1971 Rupp Industries GO-JOE. The defunct GO-JOE is a true antique of nostalgia value. Only 300 were made.If you have a 1986 or older three or four wheeled ATV, no matter what the condition, Jerry would like you to bring out the machine and “Show & Tell” it. Jerry says it’s all about the progression of the All Terrain Vehicle. A lot has happened since the 1969 Honda US 90 (later called the Honda ATC 90 in 1970) to the Yamaha Raptor available on showroom floors today. I’m sure you agree with Jerry and I and would love to see and hear about all those machines that happened over the years. What’s more is that there is even prizes awarded to all entries. All that is asked is that you have an info board displayed with your antique entry.
Daniel Boone MX Park is in London, KY, 5mi West of I-75 exit 41
For more info call Jerry at (606) 877-1364 dbmxpk1@cs.com or click www.danielboonemx.com
Cannondale’s Dale Wells now with OPTIMUM Power Technology
OPTIMUM Power Technology, Bridgeville PA, announced that Dale Wells, former Chief Engineer of Engine Management at Cannondale Motorsports, has joined OPTIMUM Power Technology (OPT) in a newly created position as Manager of Engine Management Systems Research and Development.
Dale was responsible for the design, calibration, troubleshooting and failure analysis of the Cannondale engine project as well as implementing OPTIMUM’s GP Control programmable ignition and fuel injection systems into the overall OEM package used on all Cannondale’s 2002 and newer production motorcycles and ATVs. He is very familiar with OPT’s proprietary calibration strategies and even OPT’s Virtual 4 Stroke Engine Simulation Software.
Roy Houston, Senior Vice President of EMS at OPT says “We created this new position for Dale. We believe his unique skill set, combining engineering experience and in-depth knowledge of our world-class customer solutions, will greatly benefit existing and future OPT users and Dealers. He will be responsible to help further the development of our OEM systems and our fuel injection conversion technologies, and will be a real asset to our customers.”
Dale Wells states “The OPT team and I have shared so much intelligence and experience working together the last few years, I feel like I’ve always been part of this team. I greatly appreciated how they treated me as a customer. They were always ready to work shoulder to shoulder to achieve my goals. OPT is easily the leader in their field, always visionary in their products and pushing the edge of engine technology. They believe their customers are sophisticated and ready to embrace new concepts. We have so much in common. Just wait until you see some of the products in the pipeline.”
Race the 12 Hours for free!
Have you been thinking of forming a team for this year’s 12 Hours of ATV America in Iowa? Want to race it for free? All you need to do is win your class at Fast-Trak Promo’s other racing event called BUCCS (Buddy-Up Cross Country Series). BUCCS is a three round series in Ohio but well worth the travel time if you are out of state. It’s a three hour two-man cross country race on some pretty challenging tracks. Many say our tracks are just as good, if not better than the GNCC tracks! Winning teams from each class (except the pro class) will receive a coupon that enables them to enter a three man team in the A, B or Utility class at this year’s 12 Hours for free. BUCCS round one is May 17 in Waynesburg, OH. Grab a buddy and join in on all the fun! More info on the series at www.buccs.tv
Legacy ATV’s new look
Not only is “Ironman” John Natalie new to the mix at Legacy, so are these trick new graphics kits.

#47 Henry Lorenz used this trick Legacy ATV 250R at the recent Williamston, NC indoor TT. Henry used the same quad to capture the Mid-Atlantic Fall TT Championship in the competitive Open class.
E Mail of the week
From: DB250R@aol.com (Debi Bartosek)
Subject: Remembering Matt
Well, we took the big leap and went to the Motorama race in Harrisburg this past weekend. John raced Jody’s 400EX in two classes. We went down with Ron and Daryn Capitena and Ryan Ogram. It was so good to see everyone and I commented to Kevin (Lost Creek) Saturday night that I felt Matt’s presence with us. Kevin said he kept looking over his shoulder expecting to see Matt and when he was working on Diver’s bike he just knew Matt was making comments on how he should be fixing it.
My heart was in my throat every time John was on the track but it was no different than the way I feel every time he leaves the house. John rode smart and finished up with two-6ths, a 5th and a 2nd for the weekend. He was smiling when he walked out with $400. I was pretty tired Sunday afternoon and had to take a couple walks by myself. The ride home was hard because I know how much fun Matt would have had and I still can’t believe he’s not here with us.

At a GNC race a good friend of Matt’s, Scott, fell asleep and they couldn’t wake him to go to dinner with everyone. Several of the boys later conned the manager at Red Lobster into giving them a lobster so they could wake up Scott!
Are you coming to the Macon race? I’d really like to sit down with you and discuss what needs to be done to have an independent race. Looking at schedules, it may be that this year we can only hook up with an existing race and sponsor a class in Matt’s name and start planning for next year so we’re on the calendar. I’d like your thoughts on this.Speaking of Macon, I e-mailed my parents with the dates of the race and told them we were going. I’m not sure if you were aware of this, but my dad was with us at Gainesville – he loved watching Matt fly around the track. They have attended all the races held in Macon but I told them I’d understand whatever their decision was about this year. My mom called me that evening and the first words out of her mouth were, “we’ve got our reservations” and to make sure I told John they’d be there to cheer him on.
I mentioned to Ray Christy that our local track, that Matt grew up on, Pymatuming Holeshot Raceway, has a three day event every July (I believe it’s the weekend before Pine Lake this year) and wondered about having t-shirts with Matt’s picture made up for it. I’d like to talk to Art Cervi, the owner, and see if he’d allow us to sponsor the Pro Quad race Saturday night in Matt’s name. Pymatuming only has a quad money class on their special event days. I’d like to make sure that this year is a memorable one for the Pro Quad class (Matt won it last summer). Okay, so guess what my next question is? Yep, your thoughts on this too. I bet you never realized how much I value your expertise. Well, this is what happens when I don’t talk to someone for a while. I just go on and on. Hope I didn’t talk your ear off and that you’re willing to help me out with thoughts and ideas. Have you heard anymore from the AMA/ATVA on the supplement rule change for nerf webbing? John, Daryn and Ryan all ran the prototype webbing this past weekend.
PS John is running the number 88 this year. He asked me to reserve it for him and I did. I need to thank Johnathan St. John at Macon for allowing John to use 88 as he had already reserved it (it’s been his number for several years).
PSS We have already started talking about our team for the 12 Hour race!

May ’02 Graduation. Matt drove his dad’s truck that day. Check the appropriate front license plate, “LIV2RYD”.
Matt Bartosek Memorial Fund
This permanent endowment was created to celebrate the life of Mathew D. Bartosek. His family wants his passion for ATV racing to live on, and for Matt to be forever remembered as a dedicated athlete that followed his dreams.The interest from this endowment will be used annually to further the sport of ATV racing in the form of scholarships, hosting of charity events and certain activities sponsored by the All Terrain Vehicle Association (ATVA).
Donations may be made out to the:
Matt Bartosek Memorial Fund
your gift is tax deductible
Please forward to:
The Erie Community Foundation
127 West Sixth St
Erie, PA 16501
For further information please contact:
Debi Bartosek (814) 922-3304
Ed Bartosek (814) 922-7126
2003 New Year’s Resolutions
Just a small handful this year…
Jorge Cuartas — Nac’s PR / ATV Scene Contributing Editor
As of now, I plan on expanding the general public’s awareness of our sport through a propaganda campaign that would make any old school commie proud, I’m going top five in the Open B class, I’m starting a family, and if I have any time left over I’m thinking about regrowing that leg I misplaced.
Richard Pelchat — Canadian National Champion
Win the Canadian Championship again, win the Montreal supercross, race in the US and thank God more often.
Jerrod Kelley — Editor, ATV Sport
I achieved both of my resolutions last year (a new son and entering a race). This year, I will need to cut out the fat (get bigger, stronger) and make ATV Sport even better.
Matt Coulter — The Kangaroo Kid
The only new year’s resolution I can think of is to try and stay alive for another year. Yeah mate that will have to do — I’m not feeling very creative as I have no beer in me right now.
John McGhee — Owner/Operator Legacy ATV
I am hoping that my working with John Natalie can allow him to break into the top three on MX in the pro class. I would like to see somebody get up in there with Jones, Gust and Farr. Also to be as skinny as Tom Carlson ( TC). Last but not least, I pray for good and safe season for everyone. Also I hope that TT does not die-out.
Johnny Gallagher — GNCC Pro / ATV Scene Editor
1. Drop 20lbs by the GNCC opener
2. Put out at least one Johnny G per month
3. Win a GNCC!
Chaz Rice — Associate Editor, ATV Sport
Continue my plot to take over the world, of course.
John Pellan — President Fast-Trak Promo Inc / ATV Scene Senior Editor
Run a marathon and to not take for granted how blessed I am.
Quotes of the Week
“I’ll tell you what, that thing hauls!” – Jimmy White to Jack Meadows Sr. on the new Kawasaki V Force 700.
“More importantly, is the Classy Chassis topless or all nude? – Steve Casper in figuring out where to go on Friday night in Indy.
“I have been using the 12 oz cans, a few a day. I don’t think that it has made me any faster. I do get more traction in the mud now though.” — Ex GNC referee, Tom Prendergast (aka Scene forums handle, tbone) on answering the question of whether ATVers should add weight lifting to their training.
“Anaheim (Edison Field) was sold out and the best show of the night was the Pro Quads.” — Event Manager for Clear Channel Entertainment.
“I wish you would say that to my face or Keith’s or Dana’s because you would end up flat on your back. You know nothing of what it takes to run a team like Nac’s yet you think you could do better. Go back to your couch get another Big Mac and play your PlayStation, because that is as close as you will ever get to having a race team, Squid! – Another classic Eric Dubb comment. (Scene forums nickname, Dubber97) response to a nameless defacer of team Nac’s Racing in the ATV Scene forums.
“As I followed the top five through the interior tunnels of the stadium and listened to them retelling war stories, I am at odds to explain just how competitive they can be with each other on the track and then laugh and smile and be good friends off. I can only say that the ATV community, both race and recreational, is a great place to be. The people are so awesome and the riders are like family.” — Teresa Creech after following a batch of professional ATV riders out of Edision Field in Anaheim, CA.
“GOD does it make me mad to see that SAIL BOAT RACING gets more coverage than we do! ATLEAST PUT AN ENGINE IN THE BOATS or better yet, set the boats on fire, and see who can stay on the longest! — Scene forum user: Extreme Racer167 on the subject GNCC racing on television.
“You will never find the perfect lemon without the grocer’s help. Meaning we will never have a truly race worthy quad as long as people who are not interested in the sport are building them — Scene forum user: Diangelo#67 on the worth ATV racer topic.
“The finish at a desert race is like no other. It’s just over. There’s usually about a hundred people there to greet you but most of them are waiting for someone else” — On Any Sunday director and narrator, Bruce Brown.
“There something about going riding with your friends that cannot be put into words. It can only be experienced by someone who has done it.” — On Any Sunday director and narrator, Bruce Brown.
Well that’s all for now. Life is so fragile, value what your priorities are and be true to them before it’s too late.
See ya at the race!
Pix of the Week

New Years in Savannah, GA… Yours truly (right) with Josh Starrett and Brett “more Champaign please” Harper.

Veteran ATVer, Todd Macke and wife have successfully cloned their first son Adam! On February 21 baby Max Macke tipped the scales at 8 lbs – 12 ozs. Congratulations on the cloning experiment!

Mid Ohio’s Derek King, age 4 and sister Robin King, age 3, don’t stop riding until their machines run out of gas.