Serm Says 5-3-00
- Updated: May 3, 2000

Instead of submitting his latest column to us, Serm found himself in the hospital after crashing extremely hard on an enduro bike. I talked to Sean on the phone from his hospital bed and got all the details.
He was at a family get-together for Easter Sunday and decided to take a short ride on his cousin’s dual-purpose dirt bike. While cornering a turn at high speed the front of the bike washed out on a dirt access road to a nearby cornfield. Sean went over the bars and somehow survived the worst cash of his life. He told me that he’s never seen his whole life flash in front of himself like he did while flying through the air during the crash. After skidding through the gravel access road. He stumbled to his feet to find the bike scattered in pieces. He was covered in blood from head to toe and hurt bad. His cousin saw the wreck and rushed to take him to the hospital. After being shuttled to yet another hospital due to severe hand injuries, a team of doctors removed gravel that was embedded in his skin from head to toe. The worst of his injuries were to his left hand. Every finger and just about every bone in his hand had been severely broken, smashed and torn, as were the ligaments and tendons. Swelling was so severe that they were forced to slit his hand open from fingertips to his elbow. Doctors didn’t rule out the possibility of amputating some of his hand. When Serm got word of this, he bared down and forced himself to at least move his fingers to prove to the doctors that he had not lost all feeling and that amputation would not be an option. His determination to prove to the surgeons and himself that he was going to keep his hand paid off, as days have gone by since the accident, he has recovered tremendously. He has feeling back and all the bones have been pinned and broken back into place. Doctors say that he might have full use of his hand if things keep going as well as they have. Other injuries include a broken right thumb; a badly sprained left ankle, a bad scrape on his left side of his face, two badly swollen knees, and a ton of open wounds.
Sean says he’s crashed so many times that he feels it might have been a lot worse if he was an amateur crasher. That and the fact that god, his passed-on father, his mom and many more must want him alive pretty bad, because he truly believes this crash should have killed him.
Serm’s battling through this (he’s had morphine pumped though him for 10 straight days now) and wants everyone to know that he’s going to come out of all this ok. He has been transferred to the hospital that he went to originally to recoup and begin therapy. He says he’ll never ride a bike again, and has decided to sell all of his ATVs to help him catch up on all of his bills and to give his mom some piece of mind. He will return to his job as team coordinator at Nac’s Racing as soon as he is able to. He’s down, but definitely not out. He’ll tell you more when he writes his next ‘Serm Says’ column here on ATV Scene next month.
If you would like to give a shout out to our fallen hero send him e-mail at