Nathan Dallas and Cole Robbins 8-27-98
- Updated: August 27, 1998

I recently had the opportunity to travel to East Bend, NC for the 1st annual Mid Atlantic Series TT Championship final with quite an untraditional race team. Nathan Dallas is a four – time Grand National Youth champion and younger brother Cole Robbins is a two – time Grand National Champion in the 70cc modified youth class.
As soon as I climbed into their ’89 Chevy Suburban, I was well aware that this was no ordinary Suburban. It sounded beefier than a hot rod muscle car. After instantly approaching 80mph while yanking a 24’ X 8’ enclosed trailer with 7800 lbs. worth of ATVs and accessories, I saw the talents of Jesse Robbins, AKA “the big guy” – (this is what youngest son Cole calls his father). While being pinned to the back of the custom bucket seat, I noticed he was hardly pressing on the accelerator pedal. It was then that I nervously scrambled to find my seat belt. Details on this one of a kind hailer include: a Chevy big block 454 bored to 468, balanced and blueprinted, with a Holly fuel injection system, sitting on a high rise Elderbrock aluminum intake, a Crane cam matched with a custom computer chip. All this and a ton of other details to the truck are done at the family business — Robbins and Sons service station. If you think this is an extreme amount of work for a transport vehicle, you should see the custom quads they race. These guys are series about ATV racing!
ATV Scene: As soon as we arrived to the track the Suburban abruptly stopped all forward progress. Did the transmission crumble from the constant monstrous torque provided by Jesse’s need for speed? Or did it quit from normal wear and tear?
Jesse: It was just a case of being a victim of circumstance. It was a defective part. – Shit happens.
Nathan: Defective part my butt, he just wants to go fast. The tranny cant keep up with all that monstous torque he just has to have.
Cole: Traveling to and from the races is a race in itself for the “the big guy” he modifies our truck like it was a supercharged drag car.
ATV Scene: On another subject. You two are constantly winning races on one of a kind racing quads. How is it that you’re always up front?
Jesse: It’s simple really – we have really fast and reliable engines from our primary sponsor, Fischer Cycle Racing. Nathan and Cole are also two of the most talented riders you’ll ever find.
Cole: That – and we have balls of steal!
ATV Scene: Both of you will be moving up to bigger classes in 1999. Nathan will be moving into the elite 250 Pro class and Cole will be racing in the 12-15 year old 90 Mod class on Nathan’s old tricked out – one of a kind quad. What were your feelings going into this race?
Nathan: There has been a lot of talk about my stepping up to the pro class. Many people feel I’m making a huge mistake. They think that if I don’t do very well it will effect me mentally. I feel that I can be competitive in the Pro class. So this was a very important step in my career. I wanted to prove to them as well as myself that I truly can run at a pro level. I’ve been anxiously waiting to race as a pro since I started racing 9 years ago.
Cole: To be honest I wasn’t nervous at all. I couldn’t wait to race my new 90.
ATV Scene: Nathan, since this race had a $3400 pro purse, plenty of the nation’s best ATV pros were on hand. Including three-time national champ – Tim Farr and last year’s national champ – Shane Hitt. Were you intimidated at all?
Nathan: No. I felt very comfortable out there. I think the fact that I know all of them so well helped me relax. Also I felt that there was no pressure at all since it wasn’t a big Grand National race.
Besides I’m not expected to do fantastic right away, so there’s nothing to be intimidated about.
ATV Scene: How did you guys do in your big debut?
Nathan: They ran two classes for pro level riders. One was strictly for the pros, while the other allowed “A” level amateurs to compete with the pros. I got 5th in both classes. I think I may have done better if I had a better start, but overall I was pleased with that.
Cole: I won my youth class and got 6th out of 15 in an expedition class that the promoter held. I couldn’t believe all the people that came around to get a closer look at my 90. I think people are shocked at just how fast it is. Bud Fischer built the 4 wheeler from scratch. Most people can’t believe that a little 12-year-old kid on a 90 can beat guys on 250Rs and even Yamaha Banshees.
ATV Scene: Nathan, I understand that there is a very special prototype 4-wheeler being built for you – however it wasn’t done in time for this particular race. Can you tell us about this special creation?
Nathan: Yeah, Bud Fischer has a lot of ideas he’s been wanting to try. He is building me a custom 4-wheeler from the ground up. Every aspect of the quad will be made for my size, weight, and riding style. Were not cutting any corners at all on this. It’s going to be plenty fast too. In the meantime I’m very thankful that I’m able to borrow other peoples 4-wheelers. I came to this race with your 250R. (Editor’s note: He borrowed John Pellan’s Open class TT race quad) The motor really ran strong in practice but somehow the cylinder cracked. Fortunately, Ben Jackson let me use his spare TC Racing quad in the heats and main events.
ATV Scene: What are goals for the up and coming season?
Nathan: I’m going to the first three Pace Motorsports U.S Off-Road Stadium races. I’m not sure if I will be able to attend the Pace races on the West Coast. My efforts will be primarily geared toward the Grand National Championships. I would love a top ten overall finish for the year. That’s my goal.
Cole: I want to finish in the top five overall for the season. In order to do that I need to have a lot of consistent finishes. I really want to beat class champion, Matt Bartosek in at least one race next year.
ATV Scene: Is there anything you would like to say in closing?
Cole: Look out 90 class – Here I come!
Nathan: I feel very fortunate to be at the level of competition that I am at my age. Especially now that the sport is becoming as popular as it is. Over the years countless dollars and tons of time have been spent on our racing. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has helped my brother and I get to where we are now. Bud Fischer and everyone else at Fischer Cycle, Douglas Wheels, Thor, Smith, Bell, Klotz, FMF Racing, Action Photos, Frangione’s Signs, WD-40, but especially our parents.