The OSET Electronic Dirt Bike
- Updated: February 27, 2009

My friend John Maley is no exception. A few weeks ago he was proudly telling me that his son Trevor has become a much better rider ever since he bought him an electronic bike, but it wasn’t until I saw the bike in person that I gave it much thought.
One day I stopped in and noticed the bike in John’s garage. The inner-child in me was immediately drawn to it. I took a knee and starred at it and imagined I was six years old again. I looked it over and couldn’t believe how seriously tricked-out this little OSET was. With full suspension, disc brakes and true Trials bike styling this little bike was far from the little electronic riding toy I first had visions of when John told me about it. If I were a kid, there’s no doubt this bike would be my prized possession. In fact, I would probably sleep with it, I thought to myself.
While asking John a hundred questions about it, 6-year-old Trevor came home from school and quickly showed me what he could do on his new OSET. He tore off silently and to my surprise quickly pitched it sideways in the snow-covered driveway like a seasoned pro dirt track racer. I was blown away at the torque that the 24 volt 600 watt magnetic motor was able to make. So much so I couldn’t help but try to talk Trevor into letting me ride it. Trevor was happy to share his bike so off I went. I couldn’t believe how quick it was even with my 180 pounds on board. When it easily pushed me up John’s slippery driveway I knew we needed to do a feature on this amazing bike.
Another Day at Ray’s
Now that I had a better idea of what John was trying to tell me about Trevor and his incredible little Trials bike, I had to see him ride this baby in true Trials-like terrain. So the following week I met up with Trevor and his buddy Drew Harder at Ray’s MTB Indoor Park. Even though their bikes were more of the motorcycle-kind than bicycle-type, John successfully talked Ray into allowing them to ride the indoor trails.
Boy was John right, Trevor, who races competitively in the CRA (Competition Riders of America) Series on a KTM 50 minicycle and a Kasea ATV, had become one heck of a little rider since the last time I saw him riding around on his little Kymco ATV. Trevor’s friend Drew could clip through the rugged terrain at Ray’s as well. I must have witnessed fifty looks of amazement from many bicycle riders at Ray’s after they watched the boys, who were decked out in full motocross riding gear, silently wiz by on their OSETs.
The OSET features folding footpegs. Trevor and Drew can ride about an hour and half before the bike needs a fresh charge. As you’ll see in the video on the following page the power the 24 volt OSET makes is quite amazing. And there’s more where that came from too. John plans on upgrading Trevor’s 24 volt bike with OSET’s bigger 36 volt kit in the near future. The increase in power will allow Trevor to wheelie onto logs and clear jumps better. With more power I can see Trevor enjoying the same bike for several years. I hope he’s still generous and will allow me to ride it again after the bigger engine kit is installed.
Taking Fun Seriously
I asked John what he liked best about Trevor’s new electronic mini bike, “Trevor grabs a helmet, turns a key and rides out of our garage every day. He loves to ride it and I love that he’s learning good riding fundamentals at a young age on a lightweight bike. It’s simply the best development tool available.” John adds, “If you want your child to learn and develop proper riding skills like standing on the pegs, proper balance, throttle control and proper use of both front and rear brakes — this bike is a must! Trevor, at the young age of six, understands what a powerful cross training tool this machine is for both two-wheeled and four-wheeled motocross and cross country racing.”
The OSET starts at $950. A thousand bucks isn’t really that much when you consider the value of the OSET electric dirt bike. Not only does it offer full suspension, front and rear disc brakes and plenty of smooth power, but your son or daughter can ride from ages 2-10 on the same bike and learn invaluable riding techniques along the way. Since the OSET is extremely lightweight it’s not only a non-intimidating easy-to-ride mini bike for junior but mother-friendly as well. The bike can easily be loaded into the backseat or trunk of a car, even upside down. There’s no carb to jet, no skin-burning hot exhaust, no kick starter, it’s neighbor friendly and if your kid is like Trevor and Drew, he or she will happily ride the wheels off of it, which in my opinion is a much better investment than that flat screen and video game console for junior’s room, right?
For more on this amazing little bike check out