HUEVOS 10 Video Review
- Updated: December 26, 2007

It began back in the dark days of our sport. Long after the factories went away and even longer before their second coming, before the four strokes revolution, before freestyle ramps and surely before full-on factory rides – the “Huevos Series” started the ATV video movement that inspired several thousands of ATV enthusiasts all over the world.
For those of us who have been around the sport for a while, there are certain things that you get used to happening year after year, the start of the Nationals, new model releases, twelve more ATV Scene Girls and H Bomb’s newest Huevos chapter. For ten years now, Wes Miller, owner of H Bomb Films has thrilled us with his unrivaled visual quality and film making creativity. With 2007 coming to a close, H Bomb has released the tenth installment of the hit Huevos title, the ATV video benchmark. With a decade of award-winning video production under his belt, we decided to take a closer at Wes Miller’s newest flick — Huevos 10.
What’s in it?
Everything! Well, not quite everything, but there are segments featuring Freestyle, Motocross, Cross Country, QuadTerrain Challenge/4X4, Desert Racing, Dunes Riding and various racing and riding segments from the UK, Argentina, Costa Rica and Mexico. If you are into sport quads, Huevos 10 shows you just about every use imaginable.
In addition to the movie itself, the DVD features plenty of bonus sections. The first bonus segment features all helmet cam footage from many of the movie’s chapters including some spectacular back flip footage. There are segments from Loretta Lyn’s and a section called “Phantom Cam” which features some of the most stunning slow motion clips we’ve ever seen. Strangely enough our favorite bonus segment was the “Front Flip Guy.” The Front Flip Guy has been seen all over the net bragging about his sponsors and the fact that he was planning on performing an unheard of front flip on an ATV. Wes Miller was kind enough to let the guy make an ass out of himself by giving him the chance to perform one into a foam pit. You will have to buy the movie to see how it turns out.
The Review
At just over an hour in length, Huevos 10 is sure to be the most visually stunning ATV movie of the year! As we have come to expect, video quality is stunning and as good as possible without being truly high definition, there is lots of cool color tinting and speed variation with lot of well-done slow motion effects. The overall editing was kept more basic this time out, with less film burn effects then we have seen in year’s past. Nonetheless, we remain blown away by Wes’s velvety smooth slow motion video, however it was a bit overused detracting from the film’s ability to get us “adrenalized”.
Unlike some of the other movie titles on the market, Huevos 10 and its predecessors do a great job of representing nearly all of the different types of riders out there however it seemed to be a bit more freestyle than we would like. Don’t get us wrong, watching Caleb Moore do a back flip nac nac is absolutely amazing. Fortunately there’s enough of everything else that freestyle doesn’t completely dominate the film. It goes without saying; freestyle lovers will really dig this movie simply for the amount of freestyle in it.
Our favorite segment was the “Danimals” chapter. Which featured riders Doug Eichner, Caleb Moore, Ben Bettis and Dana Creech. This segment features some hillside free-riding with lots of huge air leaps. The slow motion roost segments are incredible. Eichner, Moore and Bettis also set the standard in distance jumping as each clears the 200 foot mark!
Something that has been missing lately in H Bomb’s movies is their old sense of humor. We miss the days when Shane Hitt and Justin Gandy tried to out run the West Virginia Highway Patrol and good-ole “Bean” jumping a borrowed Honda Fat Cat into a pond in PA. We know that Wes has one of the craziest senses of humors in the scene — we would like to see more of his old fun-filled ideas in his new movies. As we mentioned before the Front Flip Guy is pretty funny – we just want more of this kind of thing.
The Bottom Line
Huevos 10 is a great movie just as we expected. Visually, it’s as good as anything on television or in a movie theater. As we have said before, we think Wes Miller could produce an ATV movie more than capable of I-Max theater quality.
Whether you are trying to collect the entire Huevos series, or looking for a good ATV movie to spend your Christmas money on Huevos 10 is an all around good movie that’s well worth the money. While there are other titles that we find more entertaining in terms of humor and drama, nothing comes close to Huevos when it comes to video quality and heart-stopping must-see scenes. While it’s not our favorite Huevos of all time, it’s still very good and a milestone for H Bomb Films and the entire sport of ATVing.